If a cannonball just sprouted in a gun barrel, the gun is gone and the hands that held it probably are too. There should be so much shrapnel
If a cannonball just sprouted in a gun barrel, the gun is gone and the hands that held it probably are too. There should be so much shrapnel
What’s the problem with staying in early access? It’s not like the games are squatting on welfare. Do they get anything from Steam beyond a placard that says “my game ain’t finished”?
The only thing is people deflecting criticism because of the “early access” tag. But if you want to introduce arbitrary term limits so you can win internet arguments about video game developer malfeasance, then you’ve lost me.
I don’t understand why we let Civ get away with amputating gameplay from the end-of-lifecycle previous game to repackage as new DLC again? If they hit upon great ideas in an expansion, why is that not folded into the core product like most decent games do with sequels?
They started with a triangle for 6, slowly carved it down to a semi-smooth, functional circle, then turned around for 7 and said “how about a cube this time?” Stop reinventing the wheel and finish refining it.
Honestly, the development mirrors my playthroughs of 4Xs: start with something funky and a lil different, struggle to make it work, and then restart when I’m close to done.
The only concern is how much the cost of training the model changes if it got a significant kickstart from previous, very-expensive training. I was interested because it was said to be comparable for a fraction of the cost. "Open"AI can suck sand.
If these hypothetical developers are waiting for cash infusions to “fix” the finances of thesw disastrously managed companies, then they’re pretty naïve. Successful games are making multi-millions, even middling franchise games can pull that. More than enough to sustain a normal sized development team.
I imagine maintaining a reasonable team would result in fewer unemployed developers than overbloating the team thinking “more is biggerer is more money” and then cutting tens of thousands of positions for “costs.”
I enjoy the meme content.
I enjoy the appropriate inversion of the meme format more.
I’m doing a temperature check: name a game with good lore.
Why would you come to someone’s question, not engaging with the question in the slightest, to say “my thing is better”?
“stout” is the first that comes to mind and isn’t immediately discarded. But because those other forms are so easy to call to mind I’d rather describe the power-lifter as they differ from those norms.
“He was no body-builder. Powerful, yes, but he had traded aesthetics for even more strength. Muscles built upon muscles like layers of a brick house, and nearly as solid.”
GPs were probably getting inundated with requests and asked to get removed from the list.
Don’t threaten them with a good time.
I’ve been told I have ADHD by my friends with ADHD, so apparently I’m spec’d deep into anger. Kids, it works!
That’s not peer pressure, that’s cultural osmosis. If other species tried to force them to have nipples, then they would resist
Nah, four total panels isn’t enough.
You just need to take out panels 4 and 6.
Sorry, my mind was adding an implicit idea that this was about ‘during combat’. Yeah, during RP you have more wiggle room.
Unless you’re willing to do a TPK, this feels like an ultimately hollow threat.
Not superhuman, just very simple. I pick what I want most at the moment, especially in a game where I can refund points if my decision wasn’t great.
I had to take another look to see if they’ve shat the tree up worse somehow. But, no, it’s the same. The tree isn’t complicated to read or even that hard to understand. It’s a tree: you start at the base and make decisions at the branches.
Perhaps it’s an extension of people getting paralyzed by decisions, which I don’t experience, but it’s only difficult if you are in the strange position of “knowing enough about the passive tree to know a build/specific passive exists” but also don’t know the tree enough to figure out how to get there.
Because it sounds like they’d be ditching everything previous fans love about the universe and lore to hit a bunch of buzzwords. There is insane shit from older games that I’m sure will never see the light of day (unless a modder gets inspired) because Bethesda wants to sanitize and mass-marketize the world.
Will Elsweyr explore at all the fact there are effectively different species of Khajiit tied to under what combination of the phases of the dual moons the baby is born? Or will Bethesda just throw some big, gruff, talking tigers and some small, funny, talking house cats around and call it a day after putting in exactly one (1) version of each of those that inverts that mold?
Will the Mane be like this: https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Mane ? Or will he just be a Khajiit in LaCroix-level flavorings of Middle-Eastern adjacent clothing?
What was different in the spellcrafting system from Oblivion to Morrowind?