okay but consider that you don’t have as much surveilance of your employees, and without that, how are you supposed to discipline them?
okay but consider that you don’t have as much surveilance of your employees, and without that, how are you supposed to discipline them?
…cluttered? the fuck?
has this fucker seen a cubicle? why did she allow it?
yep. I know if it wasn’t unusable trash I might not have come over to lemmy.
in general. plenty of reasons you might be here, could just be reddit got unusable.
im actually in favor of charging them for this, and using the most overpriced government contractor you can find, with some absurd conditions about how visible they can be from outside (not at all) etc. maybe add an expensive certification. if their heritage is really that expensive, they can pay out the ass for it.
or, gouge them just the same, and give all the money to the SPLC or something.
also, date each statue was comissioned constructed and finished.
and a reminder of the names of every piece of shit who voted for it. addresses, for the ones who are still alive.
why make them agree?
remind them of an actual civil war hero, and just take them down, killing any CSA fuckers who get in your way?
if we need the materials for anything, or it gets too expensive to keep in a box, sure. lets not give this scrap priority over other scrap.
because you’re no fun and don’t want to install a proper cat door.
kinda what psychopomps are for, yeah.
lemmy isn’t too evil. on purpose. mostly.
certainly less vile than facebook. “no political system is perfect so im’a just exterminate the jews and revere the fuhrer” is not a good look
and if that sounds like hyperbole, remember how many of your young-male and elderly relatives were radicalized by that social media platform, which has been critical or complicit in multiple genocides, finished and ongoing.
yeah but those are mostly gone or otherwise unusable now, one way or the other. that’s kind of the problem.
edit: I wish I could help. there are reddit communities I miss too, but reddit killed them, and they haven’t popped back up anywhere.
we absolutely should. facebook is fucking evil, and getting everything to move off it, damaging the network effect, is important for creating a more free and open information ecosystem.
you’re saying we should give kids cigarettes? or something like cigarettes? maybe kids don’t need to be addicted to things?
if you really need to keep this metaphor going, linux is, like, meditation or cognitive behavioral therapy or having friends, because its generally good for you, and doesn’t lock you into a bullshit proprietary ecosystem like tobacco or macs do.
see, the thing about lucerne milk is, if im making a milkshake, and I run out of lucerne milk but have an unopened bag of canadian milk, I can pour in the weird-ass canadian milk (spilling half of it because what kind of freaks put milk in a bag?) and it will work and be fine. because its just a company selling milk. all the milk is just milk. milk, in fact, is interoperable, and open if not free. hell, I can make milk if I really desperately want to.
if I have an apple product, and want to make it work with a non-apple-approved product, im going to have to fight their engineers at every step. fuck, getting them to start using FUCKING TCP/IP was like pulling teeth.
and kids need stress relief, so why not let joe camel give it to them?
comparison to pedophiles? maybe unfair. comparison to big tobacco? on fucking point.
a computer is a tool, sure, and the hardware is largely opaque at the high school level, excepting massive nerds
but every single one of these big tech companies runs all their shit on proprietary ecosystem lock-in, and keeping customers infantilized.
anything that isn’t open source should be fucking banned from schools.
“hey honey, here’s your first computer. no parental controls, but you’re only allowed to run arch, and im doing a pen test every weekend, with an attack that will disable features I can reach for three days. good luck!”
edit: alternatively: “there are parental controls on the router and I’ll be switching them up regularly. you’re not allowed to look at porn until you’re a better hacker than your parents.”
having more variance in player capabilities and unique strengths (this build can fight orcs forever without getting tired!) that can kind of shape a campaign is much better than all the shit that tries to reduce variance and balance, keeping players at similar levels of general capacity just isn’t worth the effective homogeneity.
I was riffing on the original and translated titles of foucault’s most well known work. whether it was sarcasm or not; 🤷♀️