its not wrong, its like that (i know, weird), that might be the failure?
its not wrong, its like that (i know, weird), that might be the failure?
i tried that, almost same result, but it failed earlier:
(15:24:37) INFO: [Legendary]: Legendary location: /opt/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/x64/linux/legendary
(15:24:37) INFO: [Gog]: GOGDL location: /opt/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/x64/linux/gogdl
(15:24:37) INFO: [Connection]: Connectivity: check-online
(15:24:37) INFO: [Connection]: Pinging external endpoints
(15:24:37) INFO: [Gog]: Checking for existing gog manifests
APPIMAGE env is not defined, current application is not an AppImage
(15:24:37) WARNING: [Backend]: Protocol already registered.
[105103:1029/] Gtk: gtk_widget_add_accelerator: assertion 'GTK_IS_ACCEL_GROUP (accel_group)' failed
[105103:1029/] Gtk: gtk_widget_add_accelerator: assertion 'GTK_IS_ACCEL_GROUP (accel_group)' failed
[105103:1029/] Gtk: gtk_widget_add_accelerator: assertion 'GTK_IS_ACCEL_GROUP (accel_group)' failed
(15:24:37) INFO: [Legendary]: Running command: LEGENDARY_CONFIG_PATH=/home/home/bangtan/.config/heroic/legendaryConfig/legendary /opt/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/x64/linux/legendary --version
(15:24:37) INFO: [Gog]: Running command: GOGDL_CONFIG_PATH=/home/home/bangtan/.config/heroic/gogdlConfig /opt/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/x64/linux/gogdl --auth-config-path /home/home/bangtan/.config/heroic/gog_store/auth.json --version
(15:24:37) INFO: [Nile]: Running command: NILE_CONFIG_PATH=/home/home/bangtan/.config/heroic/nile_config /opt/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/x64/linux/nile --version
(15:24:37) INFO: [Connection]: Connectivity: online
(15:24:37) INFO: [Backend]: User Not Found, removing it from Store
(15:24:37) ERROR: [Gog]: Unable to syncQueued playtime, userData not present
(15:24:37) INFO: [Gog]: Running command: GOGDL_CONFIG_PATH=/home/home/bangtan/.config/heroic/gogdlConfig /opt/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/x64/linux/gogdl --auth-config-path /home/home/bangtan/.config/heroic/gog_store/auth.json auth
(15:24:37) INFO: [Backend]:
System Information:
CPU: 12x AMD Ryzen 5 5600G with Radeon Graphics
Memory: 16.63 GB (used: 4.84 GB)
GPU 0:
Name: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Navi 23 [Radeon RX 6600/6600 XT/6600M]
IDs: D=73ff V=1002 SD=2413 SV=148c
Driver: amdgpu
OS: Arch Linux 6.11.5-zen1-1-zen (linux)
The current system is not a Steam Deck
We are not running inside a Flatpak container
Software Versions:
Heroic: 2.15.2 Emeth
Legendary: 0.20.36 Urban Flight (Heroic)
gogdl: 1.1.2
comet: comet 0.1.2
Nile: 1.1.2 Will A. Zeppeli
(15:24:37) INFO: [Backend]: Frontend Ready
(15:24:37) INFO: [Backend]: AreWeAntiCheatYet data downloaded
(15:24:37) INFO: [Backend]: Checking for new Heroic Updates
(15:24:37) INFO: [Backend]: Checking for current version changelog
[1] 105103 segmentation fault (core dumped) heroic
probably some agent from the country that starts with R, or from that other country that starts with C, or from one of those silly three-letter organizations
Im not irritated, im saying that your logic is flawed, stop using some software piece due to a vulnerability is at least dumb, every software will have at least one, open source or not, we are humans, we commit errors, example: the SMB vulnerability that allowed the quick spread of WannaCry in 2017, and that was on Windows, and actually we are lucky that this happened on open source software and not in some big corporation privative software, if that was the case, we wouldnt be able to know about the backdoor until a large cyberattack happened
if this happened on windows probably no one would have noticed it until a large cyberattack happened, also, using that logic no one should be using CPU’s created after 1995 due to meltdown / spectre
Windows batch does not have a sleep statement?
PS: It works flawlessly
thank you :D
i looked on the reddit community and it seems to be a weird interaction between the rockstar launcher and heroic, looks like it works on lutris and someone mentioned a trick to make gta v work, i didnt tried any of those tricks, im going to try on windows first to make sure i didnt got banned due to some weird reason (although it shouldnt be the case, since i havent touched the online at all)
i guess i will have to try in windows then
how i can do it?
sbsign fails with the error “Invalid DOS header magic”
thank you for correcting me jaja
nope, i just put the image because why not
he should have died like 90 years earlier
arch linux
2, xD
using this guide:
league of legends
the failure was that the cursor somehow got set to an ugly, black default cursor, and because of that all applications made with electron couldnt find the path to the cursor and crashed, i set it up again to an actual cursor theme and it worked, anyway, thanks for the help