If YoU siMPlY MurDEr SomEOne it’S A sOCiaL NonO
If YoU siMPlY MurDEr SomEOne it’S A sOCiaL NonO
Those things are generally not illegal.
It’s illegal to buy/sell tobacco as/to a minor. It’s not illegal to use tobacco.
Most of the restrictions on smoking are not by law, but policy. 12 states don’t have any sort of ban on tobacco use.
Used to DL a bunch of Peloton videos during a free trial then self-host on Plex.
“I’ve got some bike parts and NO I won’t tell you what brand they are. Why should it matter?”
But what if poison ivy became sentient and chased humans down?
Not long ago, 40-50k, now 90-100k.
I understand and you’re trying to critique “social nonos” (laws) so where do you draw the line? You can generally say whatever opinion about someone but you can’t say whatever you want to do to someone.