- Could you please save and quit, your Holiness?
Can’t wait! I’m already using alpha 1 as my daily driver
Must love darktable
Visuals are great too. A blending of a noir movie, a psychedelic trip and an abstrac painting. A rare beast.
Disco Elysium. Best writing and storytelling I’ve ever played.
If adobe would be willing to port its creative suite to linux that number would increment faster
I like to puor water in my coca cola. It’s too sweet otherwise.
Apparently you’re able to control their movements if you’re a pickle.
Correct. We are used to look at computers like if they’re tools. Actually they’re environments.
I guess I may suggest my all time favourite RPG. It’s Disco Elysium. A brilliantly written and crafted gem. You will find an amazing storyline, crazy dialogues and choices, psychedelic visuals. Such a gem must not be forgotten. What a pity the company almost dissolved after the release and the original authors won’t have a part in the sequel.
Anyone tried this on linux?
Yes. Laziness.
I’m still using liftoff.
I’ll recommand Disco Elysium as well. Writing and atorytelling at their finest. Plust an unforgettable cast of pyrotechnic characters.