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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • If we had a single time zone, we couldn’t use “am” or “pm”.

    These mean ante-meridiem and post-meridiem. So, before midday and after midday. There would be no concept of midday linked to hours that could apply to all locations.

    The most apropiate would be talking in 24h format. It wouldn’t bother me if someone said I have to wake up at 13 and finish my job at 21. These are just numbers.

    But yeha, it’s still a bad idea because people would have to change calendars constantly because of daylight savings.

  • I’m not saying it is a conspiracy, I was just explaining why people think it is.

    But let’s assume they did place the explosives, they wouldn’t have to be in the place of impact, they would be located in many places, just like a controlled demolition.

    Again, not saying that’s what happened, just saying that the US is constantly doing sneaky stuff under the covers, which is why most conspiracies don’t seem far fetched.

    Do you really think it is insane to believe the US made up the moon landing as a propaganda campaign against Russia? I believe we went to the moon, but if they came up with official documents saying we didn’t, I would be like “welp, US doing US things I guess”