I got 17,49 as well!
I got 17,49 as well!
Why would suggest a jump from Ubuntu to qubes?
IIRC the flapak packaging system is completely open source while snap does not release the server code.
Also, snaps were forced to the users, had terrible performance at the start, thus, making them unpopular.
IIRC Openboard is not maintained, move to heliboard.
Are you aware of anything like this but for slay the spire?
What is the benefit of building / manipulating packages?
I cannot imagine someone staying in windows for outlook…
We know that not everyone in our community will embrace our entrance into this market. But taking on controversial topics because we believe they make the internet better for all of us is a key feature of Mozilla’s history. And that willingness to take on the hard things, even when not universally accepted, is exactly what the internet needs today.
Out of touch with reality…
Proton VPN and proton pass
IRRC they even removed all telemetry from pass but not VPN.
They should definitely push drive and calendar there too.
Note, that it is still in experimental state.
If only they open sourced their client…
JK ofc. I can barely teach my parents basic stuff.
Just teach your dad how to use CLI?
I have had the same issue. For me the last few weeks I keep changing VPN servers due to them being blocked.
Imagine having to explain to a casual user, SO, sibling or parent that you, while fighting to preserve your anonymity, google blocked the house. xD
Could it be that the browser shares false information on purpose?