Docker isn’t slow. I do this on linux.
Docker is slow is a way to say that the virtualization is slow on you mac even if it costs a lot.
Docker isn’t slow. I do this on linux.
Docker is slow is a way to say that the virtualization is slow on you mac even if it costs a lot.
Well, if I understand things correctly, it may address a part of this issue indirectly: corps are responsible of what they use. If a part is open source they also have the opportunity to fix the problem themselves.
Looks very nice to me.
Reminds me of a French king who wanted to be equal: I forbid rich and poor to sleep under the bridges.
It sounds fair but strangely it isn’t. Nowadays, you can’t avoid the Street. Nowadays in westen, the first thing an beggar needs to have a hope to have a house is a phone to access some free hot spots.
Having a new account is not enough. With browser fingerprinting and IP address you can recognise most of the people.
You front door is forbidden to be ever closed (if you want to have an access to the street)
Thx. Will check!
Any self-hosted software to recommend?
Never played DnD but the US community is 90% DnD so…
I play Shadowrun and Blades in Dark for now.
Feels like I should DM some Shadowrun or Cryptomancer sessions again. Just to use those.
I created a character without issues. This is just my experience. I never heard of a program for SR4 though.
Anarchy in its original version is unperfect. Consult it before trying to sell it to your players (except if you can read the French version which is kind of a version 1.5)
SR6 is way better now. There’s also another system (Anarchy) is you want.
And.since a year or two, there are metaplans.
She responds to this point in the interview.
You have to scan a qr code when installing an app on another device. I assume it’s a safe way to transmit the key without having it transmitted over the network.
In this context, who would write in letters of fire “We apologize for the inconvenience”? 😁
Why not rolling advantage with two d20 at once? Why playing DnD only? I needed 2d10 to play Ironsworn 10d10 for COPS, 2d6 for Dungeon World, 4d6 for Fate, 10d6 for Shadowrun, …
Oh, no. Not again.
A safe access to my home infra/lab.
From my experience, the latency can be neglected in comparison of the latency of the connection of a mobile.
When the VPN has connexion issues, all the apps on my phone are waiting. Some reach timeout. But they recover all at once, without DNS issues, when the VPN comes back up.
When I move from network to network, from private wifi to public wifi, from country to country, … I am know I can try hotspots without checking if it’s from a malevolent entity (private hacker, stupide enterprises (who log for whatever reason that I go on website they don’tlike (pro-abortion, gaming, …), or anything else). If the VPN is up, I can. If it is down, I can’t but there’s no risk for me, just momentary annoyance.