Shocked face… No surprise to anyone who has actually worked in that environment.
Shocked face… No surprise to anyone who has actually worked in that environment.
I had instability in kde when an upgrade moved me away from the proprietary Nvidia drivers. Might be worth checking that.
Wish I could try Wayland, can’t seem to get it to load. Fortunately when they pushed the update of Wayland as default they didn’t remove x11 support. Still been pretty happy with kde neon for the last few years
Please don’t do that while hiking around others, lots of people go hiking to get away from constant sounds like that.
Exactly the same story for me, the free Linux cost didn’t hurt either.
Bit difficult to keep using it since they killed sms interoperability. I understand the security concerns but if no one uses it, doesn’t really matter does it.
Looking forward to seeing some more answers from experts! I would also like to know more about how to choose a good bandsaw, I have been looking at getting a used one but prices are all over the place and I don’t know who makes a good one.
This aligns with what I have heard from folks I know in that world. Fear motivated by exaggerating one off and isolated incidents. The information silos in the conservative world (especially news) is frightening.