Ubuntu Peronista

As an active member of an Organized Community on the global data networks, I assist the Working Masses with the high goal of achieving Social Justice 2.0: Fair, Free and Sovereign software.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • 10 : CLEAR : PAUSE “Mini Moon Age Calculator “
    20 : W=694098 : X=29.53 : Z=365.25 : JN=2460202.6 : REM Julian date for last moon on 25/9/2023 at 2:39am
    30 : INPUT “DAY:” ; D , “MONTH:” ; M , “YEAR:” ; Y
    40 : IF M<=2 LET Y=Y-1 : M=M+12
    50 : A=INT(Y/100) : B=INT(A/4) : C=2-A+B : E=INT(Z * (Y+4716))
    60 : F=INT(30.6001 * (M+1)) : JD=C+D+E+F-1524.5 : DS=JD-JN
    70 : S=(DS/X-INT(DS/X)) * X : S=INT(S+.5)
    80 : PRINT “Age of Moon “ ; USING “###.# “ ; S ; “_days” : END

    Stay SHARP!