I am so glad other people with ADHD can see the insight into trains of thought. Which makes me wonder why we don’t have more vehicles run on Diesel generated Electric power.
I am so glad other people with ADHD can see the insight into trains of thought. Which makes me wonder why we don’t have more vehicles run on Diesel generated Electric power.
Oh come on it’s too early for this reality shit, I want to laugh
Give it the British lady voice and it will soothe your rage when it fucks up.
My ex. Never me. I’d drink soda warm before id risk it bursting.
My ADHD absolutely can’t handle that clean up.
I have two friends on Signal!
No one else believes me. Gonna be a weird future
Or maybe the pressure of someone else potentially cleaning my place will actually get me to do it.
Not that I have weird stuff I don’t want people to know about. Not that I would say I do either. Or comment that I don’t have weird stuff because pointing it out would kind of say I have weird stuff. I don’t have weird stuff.
Yeah I have a complete meltdown whenever my keys, wallet, and phone aren’t in my pockets, because I don’t know where they are the
I have never heard of this before
The dehydration is a consistent problem for me. But, I’m looking into this fats thing. I have IBS-C, and since I started taking Wegovy, it’s gotten much worse, but the fat in my diet has also decreased a ton.
Which isn’t great because fat can fill you up more than what I used to eat. Unfortunately I can’t stand eggs and liver, it’s a texture thing i don’t really understand.
One thing I know works very well is any cream pasta sauce. Which makes me think it’s time for experimenting.
if your poop is dry and clumpy, you need more fat.
Ok, I’m gonna need info on this. Because it does appear to check out, but I’ve always been told it’s lack of fiber and not enough fluid (which is impressive because I drink my 3-5 liters a day).
Which also makes me wonder, what am I not eating that has fats in it?
I’m in that description and I don’t like it
Nobody knows.
I think it’s because Benchy has a crazy amount of changing surfaces and is easily printable with or without supports, scales better, and doesn’t take terribly long to print.
You know, everyone I see uses that tug boat print for their calibration, but what you made here was far more intricate and beneficial.
“must do now” orders are by default responded to with “oh yeah, on who’s authority?”
So I feel that.
Dude that’s awesome thanks!
Wait a second
This is my daily experience with ADHD
Engineers tend to be less accepting of the “debate and theory” part of science and more of the “analyze and act” part.
As in, the debate is stupid, the theory is that the rich have fucked us all, now let’s see what we can do immediately to make it work.
Fight porn is not what I was hoping for, yet not exactly disappointed in the result.
I have two concepts of time.
Now and not now.
It’s going to get me fired because my time estimates are always wildly off.