It may or may not have ended like an Office Space printer.
Overly bright LED’s and too fast color cycling was my ‘PC Load Letter’ moment.
It may or may not have ended like an Office Space printer.
Overly bright LED’s and too fast color cycling was my ‘PC Load Letter’ moment.
Thanks. Unfortunately the RGB Sabre Pro Championship Series isn’t supported so I was never able to get this to work
Brilliant, thank you! I’ll see if I can try one out this week at my local electronics store.
Thanks. Unfortunately iCUE does not work on Linux and Corsair mice are not compatible with OpenRBG or Open Razer
Thanks! Looks like this Logicool M500s Wired Mouse has everything I’m looking for.
DPI is a bit low, but it might not matter. I’ll see if any of my local electronic stores have one to try out this week.
Thanks! Yes I’m aware. Unfortunately Corsair doesn’t work with these :(
Edit: I stand corrected. However my Corsair Sabre RGB Pro isn’t supported.
Is it a zero if it lands on Rick?
Only a Sith deals in absolutes
Give em some of these withe the neck rest. Imagine amphibious roman chariots. Or a horse powered pontoon boat.
There’s a lot of cool images here https://liberalarts.tamu.edu/nautarch/nwl/lake-champlain-projects/hoofbeats-over-the-water-ina-research-on-horse-powered-ferryboats/
Not really, gaming is still my main hobby when I’m home. I’m just sinking thousands of hours in to more compelling gaming experiences.
Been playing since OG Civ on floppy disk. I’ll skip Civ VII
https://grayjay.app/ if you’re on android
edit: Firefox on Android also allows add-ons, so you can install ublock origin in the firefox android app and probably watch ad free that way as well.
Thank you! I checked, I have the G502X bookmarked. Good to know.