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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • “In October 2021, Governor Greg Abbott hosted the lobbying group Texas Blockchain Council at the governor’s mansion. The group insisted that their industry would help the state’s overtaxed energy grid; that during energy crises, miners would be one of the few energy customers able to shut off upon request, provided that they were paid in exchange.”

    Incredible. Driving up energy needs to make their fake currency will help the state’s energy grid, because we can then hold the grid hostage until we’re paid.

  • I see two possible reasons for your situation. One is that the company is turning to contractors to fill in gaps in their knowledge/experience, which is why everyone else has no clue how to tackle these tasks and why they get assigned the easy ones.

    The other possibility is that the senior devs are gaming the metrics, letting the employees knock out easy tasks while the contractor is stuck with untangling the knots of the more intractable tasks.

  • Kerbal Space Program 2 and Dark Souls 3.

    KSP2 released their science patch this month that adds missions and a progression path to work through. It’s a lot more fun now that there are goals to work towards, and the missions are much better than what KSP1’s career mode offered.

    I’ve been co-op’ing through DS3 with a buddy, which has been a fun way to tide us over until Elden Ring’s DLC comes out. I just wish there was a similar seamless co-op mod for DS3. Neither of us are interested in PvP, and it’s a little tedious to have to go through everything twice.

  • You can generally rely on a header file doing its own check to prevent being included twice. If a header doesn’t do that, it’s either wrong or doing something fucky. It is merely a convention, but it’s so widespread that you really don’t need to worry about it.

    You are mixing up some terms, so I want to help clarify. When you #include a header file, you aren’t importing a library. You are telling the compiler to insert the contents of that header file into your source where the #include line is. A library is something different. It is an already-compiled binary file. A library should also come with a header file to tell you what functions and classes are present in the library, but that header isn’t itself the library.

    It may seem annoying to have to repeat yourself between headers and source, but it’s honestly something you get used to.

  • Not really, and no. This shouldn’t affect your already-running system. This change means that the iso will offer plasma by default and will run plasma in the live environment.

    And I wouldn’t say it’s particularly hard to switch from any desktop environment to another. It takes some relearning where stuff is, keyboard shortcuts, etc, but any desktop environment can run any Linux program, provided the necessary libraries are installed (which your package manager takes care of). You can install kde programs on your xfce desktop, and they will run fine (and vice versa). They’ll just pull in a bunch of kde libraries when you install.

  • The reason you get much, much looser attribution with people like Grubb or Schreier s that those connections would probably lose their jobs, and for the most part nobody wants that, often including the studios that employ those guys.

    Oh, I’m not criticizing Grubb. I’m criticizing the GameSpot article quoting Grubb. I have no opinion on whether Grubb is right, and I certainly don’t expect him to give up sources. I don’t even know whether he has a specific source, or if he was just giving his (no doubt well-informed) opinion on the situation, because I haven’t watched the podcast.

    This felt like reading a New York Times article that links to a Washington Post article about some news event, and the NYT article is quoting the WaPo author in the same way that they would quote a witness. It’s just bizarre to me.

  • I haven’t had time to build up a big city, but so far I’ve enjoyed it. I’m running on Linux with a 5600X + 6600XT, and 1080p at medium gets me 30-40 fps.

    I LOVE that roads transmit power and water. Money is way more available early game than in 1. The only annoyance for me so far has been the terrain overlay that comes up when you select a zoning tool (similar to how selecting water pipes switches to underground. You can make it go back to normal by hitting i after selecting the tool. It’s minor, but its an annoying difference from 1.