There’s a really good discovering website I like called Favoree!
There’s a really good discovering website I like called Favoree!
Doing absolutely nothing about lootboxes though.
Definitely how I started, and there is definitely something to be said about playing a game where nobody knows what’s going on, as long as everyone understands that’s going to be the state of things and are willing to work together. Whenever something came up we weren’t sure about we’d ALL dive on the rule books, not just the GM.
Yep. I lost a tooth to dropping a cell phone on my face while laying on the couch. The edge hit my lower teeth.
Oh that’s interesting, I hadn’t considered that. What do you mean by realign though?
It’s a good read! I recommend catching the backstory on the linked pages!
Fandom engages in a lot of anti-user and anti-creator practices. There are mirrors to it that privacy and content respecting, particularly Antifandom and BreezeWiki. If you are interested in making the switch, there are plugins that will automatically redirect you away from Fandom towards one of these mirrors.
Another extremely compelling episode, I love these.
Extremely sorry for your loss. What a treasured loved one you got to have. I’m sure he loved you immensely.
I’m with you on the confusion because it’s like… I don’t feel the need to act this way, why do other people? What drives them that, in a void, they resort to these thoughts and behaviors? Is this who they really are, or is it an act, like doing an evil playthrough in a game. “I want to because I can here, and I can’t anywhere else?”
I agree.
We’re really fortunate that our cat loves to gnosh on toys that will scrape her teeth; she’s on an all wet diet to help with bowel issues. Of course I still toss her a few greenies treats every other night because she goes nuts for them and it can’t hurt.
Not the above poster but I’ve had dentists share the same sentiment and mostly I’ve heard it’s because the majority of their patients who use it, use it as a replacement for more thorough dental care–they don’t floss and/or brush because they think they’re getting clean enough with the pik. The dentist who told me this basically said, “It’s fine as a supplement after you brush and after you floss, to flush out any lingering debris from those two activities, but it’s really just not worth the time or money.”
Love your comment.
I actually got curious and tried to fact check this but then realized I had no way of knowing which sites really offered actual advice to such an inane little fact, or were just making shit up. :(
So glad I started following this comic.
I used to do this with boss fights until I got better at balancing for my party.
Oh cool! Our town does something similar in the summer. One street is dedicated to the farmer’s market, and several chunks of parking are converted to outdoor seating.
Wait, Will Wright worked on Spore?? Wow TIL