Beta Testing Weenie cough I mean Best Tech Wizard
Beta Testing Weenie cough I mean Best Tech Wizard
Some cafes will do it - not as standard, but a few - maybe try the ones trying to be 1-up from a greasy.
As will many hotel breakfasts, there’s often little single serving marmite things in with the single serving jam packets. I’d say about half the hotels i’ve stayed in with decent cooked breakfast have had it on offer.
I’ve also seen it in little roadside food van / trailer type things too.
Anyway, you want sainsbury’s yeast extract instead of marmite, it’s way gloopier and nicer tasting.
"Hey, there’s Evan. "He’s a young guy. “He likes the Stereophonics.”
I’ll have a look if I can sandbox in lineage first, then maybe apply for the beta test if it looks possible.
When you say “android” does it depend on any google services? Or will it run on lineageOS with no(minimal) google stuff?
+1. and yes use the wiki not the install script.
I think theres value to anyone with a genuine interest if they just have a go at an archinstall - I think they can setup most things of interest in a Qemu(vm), or a spare partition, or even a usb or something. Theres nothing to lose but time. I’d recommend the user knows enough about their disk setup and their incumbent boot manager so as not to screw up their main os. Though i’m very tempted to say that’s a rite of passage.
Of course everyone already has a regular backup(s) which contains some sort of list or script for all the software, configs and tweaks they normally do. If not - well another rite of passage.
Depends exactly how “modern” you mean, i guess. It seems like whatever humans would be doing is whatever the invincible alien overlords would either: permit; or, don’t care enough to stop.
Why would they come here (close enough) just to jam some radio?
Is this an omicron perseiei VIII thing.
I prefer programs with the tite “World’s ‘blankiest’ ‘blank’.”
Why did the hipster burn its tongue?
I see what they did there. groan.
I hope the conclusion is that annual notifications work.
wikipedia is too much.
Many microcontrollers can be set up for in circuit programming.
They might be intended for one time programming in the factory, but solder some wires on in the right place and supply the right signal and it can be reprogrammed.
Is that a circuit or a computer?
Have you ever tried driving to a place you’d never go?
I’m talking about sotware they produce and my employer buys that i’m expected to use.
I can’t rewrite their “tools” and databases and fucking awful cloud-web front end things. I tend to think multi-billion$ shitware companies should do that; but even so no way I’d be allowed.
Yes, I do end up having to write my own tools choosing whatever free stuff I’m allowed to have, or can get working, Yes, It’s incredibly easy in any half way decent (including free) software, far from rocket science, that is until you try to put something back into a database via one of these “tools”.
So you work around, pre-processing, post-processing, get it working. Then they unexpectedly release a “patch” that sees through my work-a-round and tries to convert the thing i’d convinced it to treat as string into a screwed up datetime again.
Next time, I will prepend “fuckoracleiquit” to all datetimes before they go into the database.
They need to be told a fuck of a lot harder then.
If I saw that in a job advert I might just apply without reading the rest. I don’t think I ever have though.
It doesn’t “annoy” me.
I like employers to be open and honest about their various incompetencies. Saves time.
There’s a few other warning signs in that statement too - nice of them sift themselves out so quickly.
Please someone tell oracle and microsoft.
It depends what packages you need, and what they have to interact with.
If it’s all standalone then no problem until the hardware degrades.
For example I had laptop (DOS/Win98 ) with a pcmcia network adapter with BNC 50 ohm coax network dongle, 9/25 pin serial/parallell ports, maybe p/s2 port, floppy drive and so on.
I can’t think what I’d connect that to I might have a parallell port on my PC, but on that laptop I think I only had laplink so I’d need a linux app to interact with that. I do still hve a floppy drive somewhere, but how to connect that to my motherboard?
So I’d probably be limited to keyboard and trackball input, and audio + (monochrome) video output.
lemmings on black and white, blurry, slow refresh rate would still “work” unless the hdd got corrupted.
Within a lifetime current gen wifi, usb, ethernet etc may all be as rare as 9 pin serial is today - it’s still around of course, but you cant rely on it.