I mean, OP provided a source link.
I mean, OP provided a source link.
aren’t not dependent on each other
So, they are dependent on each other.
In the third paragraph you mentioned “tux” but I’m guessing that you meant “tmux”. Just a clarification for readers not familiar with it and want to look it up.
True. I was more responding to the article that makes no reference to Ada Lovelace. She’s deserves to be mentioned when that topic comes up.
Sorry, I’m firmly in Ada Lovelace’s camp for credit for first use of the term. https://medium.com/the-mumblings-of-a-security-professional/a-bug-in-the-machine-286800f71cbc
No, it just prevents banks, etc from checking your credit score/rating, which prevents anyone from opening a new account under your name. When YOU want to open an account, you temporarily unfreeze it for a couple days so that the institution you’re opening an account at can check, and then refreeze it.
The credit agencies will continue monitoring how much credit you have and how well you pay your bills and adjust your score accordingly. Freezing has no effect on that.
The best time to have frozen your credit reports at all three agencies was many many years ago. The second best time is right now. Not tomorrow. Now.
This would make an excellent short film. The fire axes scene would be epic.
They come in pairs. You can’t have just one, duh.
They want to use the public space for that.
This could be a great use for a voice AI chat bot connected to your phone line. Prompt it with something like,
“You’re on a phone call to [Widgets Inc] to get a price quote for a [box of premium widgets]. You’ll probably be put on hold to speak with the next available sales representative. Just wait until you get a person on the line. Then, ask for the price and immediately start negotiating for a better price. Use whatever strategy you want but never agree to whatever price they offer. Keep coming up with more ridiculous reasons that they should give you an even better price.”
Then dial the phone, turn it over to the chat bot, and wander off to go do more important things.
Wait. Am I reading this right? Their punishment for doing something that they weren’t supposed to be doing is just to stop doing it?
At the moment, it’s unknown if there was ever a real-world person behind this username or if Jia Tan is a completely fabricated individual.
Well, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a platypus. There was definitely one or more real-world people behind this. I doubt anyone thinks that their name is actually Jia Tan, though.
As are Big Macs.
No, no, no. “It’s extremely delicious to the hunter, and only the hunter, when the hunter kills the bear with their bare hands. Oh, look, there goes a cuddly delicious liver bear right now. Bon Appetit, Mr Bezos.”
Doesn’t poo go everywhere?
Not sure what you mean, but might be a misunderstanding. It’s not sucking water out of the bowl. It’s spraying a jet of fresh water. Some will even warm it up for you. 😁😌
Yes, I need to move around a bit to hit the mark, and generally ensure full coverage. Not sure how much I’m over doing it, but it works for me. Totally feel like I’m slumming any time I’m forced to use a toilet without one, now.
Who says it was accidental?
I would love to know how much of a roll that meme played in her choice of degree. Like, in the parallel universe where everything is identical up to this fire, but this picture wasn’t taken (ie, the camera didn’t work or something), did she still choose that degree?