100% agree. Should be ban due to recruiting future terrorist to the US military.
100% agree. Should be ban due to recruiting future terrorist to the US military.
Yes still do. There’s nothing really new in the game so I feel that it is stagnant in experience. I’ve just started to move to the different country severs for fun and see how they play compared to the US.
Servers are still glitchy with random stutters hitting everybody their cash cow but still can’t fix it.
Civ all games and Apex legends with like 6k or more hours.
Apex is from day 1 launch day.
I actually get happy during this season. I can’t stand weather higher than 73F. I start to sweat like nobodies business and who doesn’t like the rain?
Exercise this snatch, bitches.
Thank you for the reminder.
A,B,C,D,E, and F. I use the tag of the towel to determined the use of my towel. Tag always goes bottom right and that means my feet always go there to dry. Divide my towel to 4-5 sections and always use the same spot of the towel for the same parts.
I’m bald
Years of schooling and years of experience.
Ogres have layers.
Oh, so just some E1-E2 shenanigans. Got it.
I don’t think I wanna give them mine…
Failedaborzzzzzzznn and missedperi0d
Imagine they pull a half-life on us and release a steam deck 2 decades later.
Nothing really. I struggle with the same thing in school and college. I would wait until the last day everyday and rush to do my essays or study. Once I got my meds I have drop that habit of mine but it’s still there. So much less stress knowing that something needs to be finish but my mind pushing it back.
Same, I drop about 5 deuces a day. Might be IBS might be lactose intolerant, who knows.
Just one more turn. Damn you civ6.
You don’t do jokes in a group?
You know, work from home would help clear that office space, but we can’t have that. Too much power to the employees, why would they.
S1 E7 S1 E4
Both of them have it and both of them scarred me.
You uncultured swine.
Full metal alchemist.
We have so many games with the same concept, but yet doing it against Israel is a big no no.
Fuck off already Israel.