The jailbait subreddit was regularly on the front page and openly joked about for years, Spez was even a mod for a bit “as a joke” until Anderson Cooper did a story about it.
The jailbait subreddit was regularly on the front page and openly joked about for years, Spez was even a mod for a bit “as a joke” until Anderson Cooper did a story about it.
Additionally, some instances disable up/downvotes as well so you don’t even need to worry about internet points if you don’t want to.
It’s worth looking around and finding a few instances you like and checking them out. Some tend to have their old local culture which is kind of neat.
Yeah I’m familiar, I’m right behind you.
It seems like you don’t have any other ideas. Your warnings have apparently fallen on deaf ears so sure, try to make them understand. Unless you have a better idea.
Yeah that’s called “prejudice” and isnt a good quality.
Swap “southern” for “black” or “gay” and see if you’d be proud to make that same claim.
Fucking lol at hateful idiots stereotyping an entire geographic area. I’m sure in their minds it’s completely different than stereotyping people because of their race/creed/gender/whatever.
drag opposes the existence of the post office.
If speaking in the 3rd person didn’t show the caliber of mind you’re working with “opposing the existence of the post office” definitely would.
What margin did Trump win the country by?
How many voters didn’t vote due to the genocide?
What margin did Trump win Michigan by?
No you won’t, NZ is one of the hardest countries to immigrate to.
And up to the first knuckle, you don’t have to jam soap up there but wash your nasty ass if you expect anyone to not gag when they get near your crotch.
Some of yall are nasty.
everyone who has a problem with how the Democrats run things is an enemy
Unless you can show me where I said that, it’s a strawman…
Based on nothing but a statement that many Americans who don’t buy into Trump’s cult are still discontent with the system, you presumed that all of them, or at least a significant majority, are either against your rights, or at least willing to sacrifice them for some unspecified reason
Don’t assume what I presume as you’re incorrect and that’s not at all what I said.
There are plenty of discontent Americans who didn’t fall into Trump’s cult.
You must be assuming every one of them is a democrat, which is obviously not true. You make a lot of assumptions.
I’m not really interested in arguing over it, it’s probably more hassle than it’s worth. It’s been a long day, I’m sure we agree on lots of stuff, have a nice night.
So, everyone who has a problem with how the Democrats run things is an enemy? Gosh, why does that sound familiar?
Cool strawman.
This is the attitude you take, then you wonder why there isn’t more unity against the Republicans. If you want to know how fascism wins, this is it.
Fascism wins by people voting for fascists and by milquetoast moderates going along with it because they won’t be first against the wall. If that seems so offensive to you then you deserve to be offended.
And also sit idly by while his cult tries to seize power, knowing they won’t be the first against the wall.
I probably wouldn’t classify it that way. It’s a cesspool but not really what I’d consider “far right” like say Stormfront.
You’ll find people openly arguing with Nazis so it’s not really fair to say it’s a far right forum as much as it is just a complete cesspool where the worst side of people comes out.
FWIW I wouldn’t really consider Telegram a far right forum either even though they’re definitely there and highly visible.
Aka, “Why Don’t You Respond to Criticism?”
It all boils down to bad faith. They don’t care what argument you make, you’ll never sway them. They’re not interested in the debate with you as much as as they are just getting their bullshit out there for randos to read. Like you say, while you’re finding sources and making sure everyone agrees on terminology they’ve already said 3 more things that are completely wrong.
4chan is a “far-right forum” now?
You agreed with a murderer, now what?