Pseudo telegram could also work within the “kind of works if you squint” framework of it without bumping into the “now we ignore RAW and use actual physics for the final attack” bit
Pseudo telegram could also work within the “kind of works if you squint” framework of it without bumping into the “now we ignore RAW and use actual physics for the final attack” bit
I vaguely remember 4chan figuring out something to do with which was the control and which the variable and deciding to spam solving the control correctly but the variable with some kind of nonsense (knowing 4chan probably a slur) until the system got enough confirmation that it got moved to the control group and would accept I it there
I don’t watch much Simpsons, but the fact that Bart is just casually a canonical telepath, and that it isn’t even a one off thing but has come up multiple times, will sometimes pop into my head and the idea is hilarious.
Donna Troy version of Wonder Girl maybe? Has black hair and was a Titan
An interesting one, the Clone spell has been stealth errataed several times, some printings specifying it only works on Medium creatures specifically, for whatever reason that restriction was added at one point after not previously being there, and has since been removed again. Another fun one is the Heavy property RAW only impacted Small creatures for the majority of the Edition, Tiny creatures could technically RAW use them with no problem. Which was obviously nonsense, and most DMs would either give the Disadvantage or completely prevent them from using it, and eventually it got errataed to “Small or Tiny”
I’m probably contributing to this. Pirated it during the early access period on PC, played a decent amount, then on release installed the Gamepass version and used a tool to convert my save to the format the Windows Store version uses. Occasionally play that save on an Xbox as well so I was well past the point the achievement should have popped. Guess I’ll get it if I ever do another character (or if it pops on ng+?)
Not just anywhere on the ship, have full access to the ship inventory to transfer to and from it if you’re within ~250 meters of it which can be helpful if you grab too much in one of those places that’ll let you land pretty close to a building or whatever
Nope. I’ve got the ones to make credstiks, digipicks, data slates, and perk magazines more visible, dark mode terminal, crafting stations dark mode easier to read, a slightly more transparent glass, StarUI, and one to tone down the green filter, as well as the ASI loader version of a plugin to keep achievements always enabled. Can’t think of why any of those would impact what people choose to equip (or if he does have it equipped make it invisible, I didn’t do the force companion inventory console command if that still exists in this game like it did in previous Bethesda games to check)
==EDIT== Oh, and one that swaps the flashlight AoE to a more uniformly bright one rather than the weird kind of eye shaped one that’s default, but that also shouldn’t impact anything I’d think.
Though dropping Haste from two people crippling them both for a round (assuming Haste works the same in Baldur’s Gate it does in tabletop) is a particularly bad time to lose Concentration
One thing to consider, assuming the red one is mental time travel (which is the only way it’d really be at all useful), you’re essentially murdering everyone who exists from your subjective present to the jump point to replace with at best very similar clones and possibly no one or completely different people. Then you have to also assume the timeline isn’t fixed and you can actually change things, and thus contend with butterfly effect causing divergence making your knowledge less useful. Sure, little changes probably won’t impact things on a global scale for a while, but once you start doing big things like investing or preventing terrorist attacks or something that could cause major divergence. Ethically any kind of useful time travel should be limited to “World is already wiped out” scale scenarios where the alternative is worse.