There are other downsides to snus apart from cancer so they still have warnings. They just don’t mention cancer anymore.
There are other downsides to snus apart from cancer so they still have warnings. They just don’t mention cancer anymore.
I switched at about the same time. I miss being in my twenties. 😋
My employer is forcing us to migrate from Debian to Ubuntu because they want access to paid support. Holy crap, I hate snap so much.
Thanks for the tip. I have never heard of this game before. It’s so refreshing with a game that isn’t optimized to squeeze every last drop from my wallet. I’ll gladly pay up front for a good game
Is there a difference in alcohol level? Alcohol evaporates easier than water.
It seems to me that they like it. Am I missing something?
That’s due to decisions by the money bags (or lack of funds) and not the competence of the engineers.
Never walk behind a forklift
Texts are not synchronous communication. If a response/action is needed, a voice call is better suited.
Sorry for chuckling at your disappointment.
I try to follow Bash strict mode. It can protect you from some foot shooting.
I hate that my government (Sweden) is a driving force behind this.
We have historically used GitPython a lot, but in a recent project I tried git via sh instead. It works great. If you already know the git cli, this feels very ergonomic to use.
Pick a small bug or feature from the backlog and fix it. First iteration of a fix is probably shoehorned in there, then I try to adapt the fix to the code base. Matching the style and design of the code base is more important than my own preferences.
I’m a learn by doing kind of person.
That actually looks a bit top heavy.
From a European, what does a standard NA beer bottle look like? I thought your bottles were similar to ours, which means bottom heavy and a slim neck.
Odd choice to use Android 11 on one of them and Android 14 on the other. Makes me suspicious of their ability to keep these devices up to date over time.
I agree with this but I suspect that a lot of the backend is dependent on other in-house infrastructure so it’s not as easy as most people think.
Won’t that allow for crap to fall into the USB port?
They disappeared for a reason. It was a crappy gimmick.