Since I saw a lot of people with a real profile: she or they pronouns please :) You don’t need to know anything else about me.
*OP sucht dein Freund noch andere sehr gute Freunde? Frage für einen Freund.
Bold of you to assume “we” have electronic patient records here in Germany, when they just introduced the e-doctors certificate and e-prescriptions a few months ago and it’s already not working as intended.
I’m scared to ask, but what’s a body bag in German? I’ve never heard that one used before.
Sorry, nen bisschen am Thema vorbei, aber wer folgt bitte Aldi auf Twitter? Ich kann mir keinen guten Grund vorstellen, außer vielleicht man arbeitet bei Aldi?
Nah, not if the UK calls it the Leiden Invasion Act /s
Ü (Ursprünglich gabs noch mindestens 3 weitere Fragen, aber die haben für mich das doxxing Potential dann zu sehr erhöht, das ist mir der Witz dann doch nicht wert ^^')
Stattdessen vermute ich jetzt, dass der Chrissy irgendwelche Lungenprobleme hat, der Adler sieht einfach aus, als würde er das Logo für nen bundesweites Lungenkrebsforschungsinstitut sein.
Yeah I know, but for some of my channels the sponsors are part of the storytelling and I’d miss stuff if I autoskip them. I’m not too bothered by sponsors most of the time either and I think it’s kinda interesting to see which company is currently trying to establish itself in which bubble, but I also totally understand why people would use that feature.
I’ve been using freetube for almost 2 years now and as long as google doesn’t find a way to restrict that access I couldn’t give less of a fuck about every dumb restriction they introduce. Freetube on desktop and newpipe on mobile devices for when you wanna ruin your eyes and you’ll never see an ad again that’s not product placement. I genuinely don’t understand how people still use google products when they have the option to just don’t?!
Ich hatte halt vermutet, dass der Davidstern hier einfach als Symbol zur Markierung verwendet wird, Nazis sind ja jetzt nicht grade dafür bekannt den Davidstern als religiöses Symbol mit Respekt zu behandeln…
Andererseits hast du schon Recht, grade im Hintergrund vor dem Nahostkonflikt kann das schon als falsche Fährte gedacht worden sein, wobei ich nicht glaube, dass irgendeine muslimische Person in Deutschland ernsthaft glauben würde, dass eine jüdische Person in Deutschland ihre Friedhöfe mit Hakenkreuzen beschmiert und dann Davidsterne als eine Art tag hinterlässt. Das ist für mich dann doch sehr weit her geholt.
Was schließt aus, dass es einfach ganz “normale” Rechtsextreme waren? Ich hab selten von nem Neonazi gehört, der Antisemit war, aber gleichzeitig Muslime geliebt hat (Attila Hildmann mal ausgenommen).
I used to donate 5€ per year to Wikipedia since 2019 but I’ve stopped in 2022 because humanitarian related funds for Ukraine had taken priority and I haven’t resumed them since because Wikipedia’s begging has become almost unbearable to me (as well as some other reasons). Might donate something again this year if I can bring myself to look past the stuff I dislike about Wikipedia.
Edit: and I run a Snowflake proxy if that counts as donating?
I guess we both learned something today, because I had never heard of Salvatore Ganacci before you linked him, looking at the view count on both of the videos means he must be pretty big though. EDM usually isn’t my cup of tea, but I can totally see what you like about him!
Damn, I wish I had your confidence, I love them too but I’ve never been to one of their concerts because I don’t know anyone who likes them and I’m too chicken to go alone :(
What the hell? I didn’t know dubioza kolektiv was popular enough to be sampled now, I was sure to find this video behind your link…
Same here, I used to intentionally post about a location I didn’t live in anymore as if I still lived there and never about the location I actually live in, it was fun XD
Is there any real security-minimizing reason why it’s not wanted by the official app to have multiple mobile devices linked to one Signal account? (I’m not even talking about a second phone with another SIM card, I just wanna use it on my tablet).
I would appreciate a simple/ELI5 style explanation if there is one, I don’t work in IT.
Wallah Krise
This looks pretty promising, the only thing I miss from Barinsta is the customizeable and chronological view of the feed/a feed that only shows me the accounts I follow, but I guess I can live with that, thank you!