I was originally in bupropion for my anxiety and it does help. I also take concerta after being diagnosed with ADHD, but bupropion absolutely helps with anxiety.
I was originally in bupropion for my anxiety and it does help. I also take concerta after being diagnosed with ADHD, but bupropion absolutely helps with anxiety.
Have you tried Wellbutrin[Buproprion]?
Feel like I have the same argument at work everyday. Some things just take a definitive time. 20 cooks won’t make a cake faster. Cooking that cake at 1000 degrees won’t make it faster. It will take the time it takes.
Value is subjective, and some people value convenience more than the cost of delivery.
Buffalo testicals
The Spider-Man games on PS5 have great storytelling.
Cyberpunk 2077
God of War and God or War Ragnarok
Destiny 2…… lmao j/k
I regularly talk to myself when I drive to and from work. Obviously, I drive in alone.
It’s not a self conversation, it’s more like verbalizing my own thought processes. It helps me work through problems and make decisions.
We send each other a squirrel emoji via text
Treat it objectively and ignore that it’s a Final Fantasy game.
I loved it. Everything from the story to the music to the combat. I bought and played through both DLCs as well. For me, it is the perfect mix of a great movie and great video game.