The quote must not be escaped when you start with a single quote. The rest doesn’t. This is valid and tested: <img alt='my "<img>"'>
The quote must not be escaped when you start with a single quote. The rest doesn’t. This is valid and tested: <img alt='my "<img>"'>
You can’t parse every html opening tag with regex, because a html opening tag doesn’t have a set structure. How would you match, with regex, this opening tag?
<mytag myattribute="<value of \"myattribute\">" >
It can’t be done, as an opening tag in html can contain anything in its attributes, even JavaScript (e.g. onclick handler).
not that you should be copy pasting any significanct amount of code, but at least when you do you’re required to understand it enough to fit it into your program. LLMs just straight up camouflage the shit code by putting something that already fits and has no squiggly red lines beneath. Many people probably don’t bother reading it at that point.
actually it’s just a really big camera crew
let’s not lose focus of what’s important here, and that is a room full of people hearing my voice and paying attention to me for as long as I manage to hold it
Some shows I really enjoyed in recent years:
They’re in no particular order, and I’m sure I’m forgetting a lot, but I definitely think all of the above are must watch.
Sorry aber wieso versuchst du das hier zu relativisieren? es ist unter keinen Umständen okay, und dass der idiotische Weltsichten hatte macht es nicht weniger schlecht.
The human is primed for tribalism and these parties are exploiting that bug to offer the always-attractive solution of “this group of people is to blame”. This time, it’s Muslims and generally immigrants.
Wann fängt es endlich an, dieses Rieseln?
Transluminum has a nice sound to it.
I’m sorry but laziness definitely exists. This is just going too far.
Nein, es gibt sogar einen Fotobeweis.
People will seriously believe anything just to feel superior. No wonder most people spewing bullshit like this are losers in dire need of feeling like they’re worth something.
100%. TDD is just not practicably applicable to a lot of scenarios and I wish evangelists were clearer on that detail.
Not sure why you focus on arrays for deep copying. Deep copying objects is a problem in many languages and brings some challenges with itself that make it almost always necessary to delegate it to a library.
Those are two different things. One is acknowledging uncontrolled inmigration is a negative thing for a country. The other one is not giving a shit because it’s more important to help people fleeing life threatening situations, even at the expense of one’s own privileged quality of life. At this point it’s important to note that rich countries’ quality of life is only made possible by unfair distribution of planetary resources and human exploitation of the same people being denied entry.
I think the downvotes are for the other opinions. Nobody denies that inmigration for the sake of inmigration is damaging for a country.
Ungefähr 1 Stunde pro Strecke ist nicht normal mit dem Fahrrad.