Love your youtube channel.
ever thought about doing some damage systems - shaders, decals, raycasting etc…?
“Humans are just imperfect crabs.” -
Trying to be the best crab I can.
Love your youtube channel.
ever thought about doing some damage systems - shaders, decals, raycasting etc…?
how many people have to die from hurricanes and heat waves before these idiots realize they’re celebrating the fucking problem.
and coal rollers, holy shit, these assholes
yeah but I remember that shit mid 80s. not 90s. 90s were ALL ABOUT THE FUCKING POGS MAN.
to be 100% accurate tho the backwards music shit goes back to the beatles etc.
Really? Far out.
I moved around a lot as a kid, like nearly every two years. Lived in NM, CA, TX, NE, DE, FL… for us, it peaked in 82-84 when that stupid tom hanks movie had people riled up.
By the 90s, people were playing AD&D at church camp.
80s. by the 90s parents had stopped caring again. just like the 70s.
nah just being silly. good luck man, I think feet are pretty gross too.
do clicky-length toenails add or detract?
just wondering… uh, academically…
I believe the state deadline to do that was by the Friday after losing the job, and buried in the fine text is a line mentioning that certain info has to be submitted at least a day prior to that Friday. I didn’t have required information for the bureaucracy at that time and I really didn’t expect the process to take so long or to be so absurd.
you need to talk to someone about this because I really doubt whatever you perceived / were told is accurate. Also employers have a vested interest in you NOT applying for unemployment as many states require them to pay a portion of it when firing/laying off.
broad yet shallow and depending entirely on opaque algorithms beyond the user’s ability to ken much less control…
and they aren’t wrong about the market being instantly oversaturated, discovery is a real problem and it’s pretty fucking difficult.
deleted by creator
best I can do is tree fiddy
don’t give me hope.
you’d think that but still we have protesters. and I get it, no one wants to be known for storing a few gigatons of radioactive waste in their geology. BUT. Choosing not to put it somewhere just distributes the problem further and makes many, many risk vectors out of what should be a secured resource.
and I say that because the other thing centralization would allow for is the reprocessing of spent fuels into new fuels and byproducts. as is, shit’s just sitting around decaying.
edit: I love the downvotes who don’t have anything to say, they just disapprove. are they anti nuke, or so pro nuke I’m not pro enough?
we’ll never know because they lack the spine to type out a comment.
we can’t figure it out here, hence my first sentence.
were it up to me, I’d pick some place as geologically isolated and stable as possible. Yucca presents most of those possibilities.
keep passing the buck, it’s what we’re doing here in the US.
I firmly support nuclear power. But storing waste materials for indefinite times in wildly distributed conditions - cooling pools and mass storage above ground - is going to bite us in the ass eventually. good luck Deutschland.
unreal has, at least since the 2010s, an engine that focuses on AAA looks and advanced features. 5 amped that up with nanite and other gpu stressful tech.
I personally found UE4 to be a bloated dev environment, but ymmv.
I don’t think you have to resort to that to see the comparison is specious.
uhh comparing the japanese american internment (a horrible crime where thousands lost their houses/businesses and were detained for 5 years) to the holocaust seems… a bit short sighted and hyperbolic. We didn’t gas the japanese. we didn’t pry gold out of their teeth. we didn’t stack their corpses.
it’s still a hideous crime, but you’re comparison is misguided.
only 12%
he must have been wearing a tan suit and everyone just got distracted