It’s not about looking what’s happening in the garden, it’s about entering in the garden. It’s two very different situations.
Autistic sarcasm is the best.
I have lots of ideas, concepts, etc and they are always ahead of the time. I will expose them and people look at me like I’m weird, saying I’m wrong and/or it’s is impossible, being angry at me (?). Then when it happens I see nobody.
I expose what seems like an evidence and natural for me in domains like psychology, sociology, anthropology. People think it’s incredible and asking for my PhDs. I was at a 4 months seminar. I listened but never really talked. At the end, I give my synthesis of it and it sent in the final document. But, the professors didn’t think about this interpretation before I exposed it.
I never learned anything following the methods at schools. I learned a long time after finishing schools that I am self-taught. For example, I went to Iceland for holidays and began learning the language. I don’t know how and why.
I like to say what I want and it actually help the people. I told a psychologist to have more self confidence.
I also can “see inside the people” or “read inside of them”. Some are like open books. This can be scary for the person. I’m used to it.
If I don’t have to be humble at all, people of any degree are amazed by my knowledge and ““intellectual capacities””.
Never ever underestimate what you will find there.
It’s not the freedom of federating. It’s the freedom of being outside corpo.
Dagegen gewehrt haben sich vor allem SVP und FDP.
Was für eine Überraschung! /s
I went here for this info. Thanks.
1000 symmetric + true unlimited mobile data in best effort/calls/SMS + TV and replay for 54chf (60$ / 56€)
Was mit allen Kanzlern von den 30 letzten Jahren passiert ist.
Dinge, von denen wir wussten, dass sie kommen würden, und der einzige Grund, warum die Regierung nichts unternommen hat, war die neoliberale Idee, dass der Markt alle Probleme durch die Magie des Kapitalismus lösen wird. Das gilt nun schon seit 3 Jahrzehnten.
That’s a feeling can in some be a sort of stimming.
There isn’t one answer. It’s depending on the person.
Not quite, it can although be your formulation. Autists have more frequently as co-occurence a differently functioning vestibular system.
But, it can be stimming as well. The sensation of toe walking can help resynch the brain.
Each big company should open its own app store in the EU making the use of iPhone impossible there. People will switch to Android pretty quickly.
If people want Facebook, they need to install the meta store and then install Facebook. A Google product? Install the Google store and then the app. Want Spotify? Install the Spotify store and then Spotify. TikTok? TikTok store and then TikTok…
Es gibt einerseits keine Studien, die besagen, dass härtere Strafen mehr abschrecken als niedrigere
Doch, in der Schweiz, sind mit ViaSecura die Delikte kriminalisiert. Seit dem, gibt es weniger Todesopfer auf der Strasse.
They must care about it. The initiative states that it must be implemented no later than January 1, 2026.
We have a similar trend as in the US with retired being poorer each year. Also, the general population is poorer. Ad to that the Confederation gave billions to falling banks and to the economy during COVID without giving a f to the population. People now want they share.
The title is misleading. Switzerland pension system is complex and divided by redistribution and capitalization.
The vote of today concerns the pension by redistribution – the first pillar. Employers and employees are contributing for this part of the system as a percentage of the salary. The maximal pension is 2500 Swiss francs (2’829 USD). People will receive a rise equivalent to 1/12 of the yearly pension.
The pension by capitalization – second pillar – follow the same system, with employers and employees contributing for it. But, it is not concern by the vote.
First and second pillar are mandatory by law. In Switzerland, you have a third pillar, which isn’t mandatory. It’s mostly investment, like life insurance.
Actually, the pension by redistribution – which is concern by the vote – has $56.57 billions in reserve. This money doesn’t sleep. Switzerland is using it has an investment found.
But, the Confederation has already thought about how to finance. There are two main propositions. The first is employers will have to contribute more. The second is that employers and employees will contribute as well as a higher VAT.
Meta is a dog shit in the middle of a dumpster. Episode 36384927339