Shareholders is the general public. If your neighbor owns one share, how much of a fair game are they?
Shareholders is the general public. If your neighbor owns one share, how much of a fair game are they?
Google maps, and that is a fallback option. I prefer asking locals on where they go to.
Typically, my local church.
As a principle, I look at causes/entities that actually need the money. If I find one, I donate. Some recent examples: Employer’s Christmas charity drive for children, Lemmy, and Searx
It’s the same answer to “if you give someone a gift, did they steal from you?” or “is a discount stealing?”
It’s ultimately an assessment done in a case by case basis. Another example: will you give money to a relative who will use it for gambling? Helping someone turn around their life and enabling their habits are different things.
The 1994-2006 era, roughly the time between the release of Transport Tycoon and Civilization IV
For me, letting go still means I have to take care of myself. There’s no set age, it depends on your life journey.
By working on my self-esteem. A lot of the fear is tying your worth on the outcome of approaching your crush.
If you decouple your self-worth on whether your crush reciprocates or not, then you can come as close as you like.
In general, it’s worth getting to video games. I would caution against trying corporate-created games, mainly because they are a money sink (for you) first and worthwhile entertainment second. There are a lot of “indie” games out there typically created by people truly passionate on their craft… you can take a look at them and see if it interests you.
I mean, let’s say they are for the sake of argument, what Palestinian kibbutzim/IDF did Hamas target on Oct 7? That’s an apples-to-apples analogy of the source provided.
Did the ZOB seek out people like German women, children, elderly?
Thanks for the resource. Couldn’t find references to casualties on German civilians inflicted by the ZOB, it’s all SS, Gestapo, and soldiers.
The ZOB now carried out a programme designed to rid the Jewish population of hostile elements and of those individuals who collaborated with the Germans.
That’s the closest I can find. And “individuals who collaborated with the Germans” suggest Jews considered as traitors
What sources do you have on German civilian casualties during the Warsaw Uprising?
About the Warsaw Uprising, I thought the targets were purely German military, so while a close analogy to how Hamas framed their action, it’s not exact.
A GeForce 9 series
If all answers are “yes”, donate to them.