I had never heard of it before now–thanks!
I had never heard of it before now–thanks!
I’m honestly surprised that nobody has said anything about MS Office, but it’s not like I expect anyone to miss the application itself, it’s just that if your work requires you to interface with it, there really is no alternative to running Windows or MacOS. Microsoft’s own Office Online versions of the apps do a worse job of maintaining DOC/PPT formatting consistency than the possible Russian spyware that is OnlyOffice, which also screws things up too often to be relied upon. LibreOffice is, let’s be honest, a total mess (with the exception of Calc, which also isn’t consistent with the current version of Excel, but can do some things that Excel no longer can do, so I appreciate it more as a complementary tool than as a replacement).
Thank you, this comment helped me understand something, because during hypomania I legitimately do not notice except in hindsight that my priorities may have been off; everything makes total sense in a way that it doesn’t when I’m not in that state. Similarly, until I bought a smart watch that could track sleep and started wearing it to bed, I actually didn’t notice how little sleep I would get during these phases–sometimes less than four hours a night for a straight week, and I would barely feel any difference. It sounds like there is more of a kind of self-awareness during ADHD hyperfocus, and sometimes I have that as well–I’m learning to discern which is which, just like I learned to use indicators like sleep to recognize when I am at risk of a hypomanic episode.
I feel like the ADHD community is embracing a whole raft of symptoms that I thought were more bipolar ii related because this sure sounds a lot like me during one of my hypomanic phases. i’m not sure where the nuanced distinctions are… maybe it comes down to whether you also spend thousands of dollars on gear to support said project and/or just decide sleep is optional while you’re tackling it? or crash into a depressive phase triggered by frustration when you inevitably fail and abandon it? IDK
may I ask which third-party tool you use? i’m using onedriver and it’s pretty unreliable in my experience
It’s 100% this. Politics is treated like a sport in the USA; the only thing that matters is your side winning, and which side you root for is largely dictated by location and family history. This is encouraged by the private news media, who intentionally report on election campaigns in this manner in order to increase ratings and ad revenue. Social media only made it worse because it made a lot of abstract identity dimensions, such as political affiliation, feel stronger to people than their everyday lives.
This is insane. What on earth could possibly constitute adult content on a navigation app? Are they going to start age-gating points of interest, like, if the destination address is a strip club in Virginia you have verify?
Edit: looks like it was added back. maybe just a mistake? https://fosstodon.org/@organicmaps/112982935184446753
I see you getting downvoted but a lot of doctors get death threats too, and while everyone seems to have a horror story about a doctor they didn’t like, I’m pretty sure most are the scapegoats of a broken system. So yeah, while Luigi’s target was well-chosen, I don’t trust every vigilante to be as smart.