I use the term Atheistic Christian, which essentially means I believe in a lot of the teachings of Jesus, but I don’t believe he was any kind of divinity.
I use the term Atheistic Christian, which essentially means I believe in a lot of the teachings of Jesus, but I don’t believe he was any kind of divinity.
To my knowledge, proteins can start to denature at 104F, depending on the protein and other factors like pH. Around 106F, proteins in the brain will start to denature, regardless of other factors.
Also, at a high enough level (104 F), the proteins in your brain start to denature, which leads to death.
My cat is a tabby and does this exact thing with his paw. Feels like love.
Lol me neither
It’s not as punk, but the last three albums by Metric are brilliant in how they discuss the current state of the world.
America - where you can get any kind of fast food you want, as long as it’s a hamburger.
-Neil Gaimen
It might be too much butter, but I think you’re also light on flour. If you’re using cups, make sure you scoop it a little over-full and then level it off. You can also try measuring if you have a kitchen scale.
Bradley Nowell. Sublime was so good, and none of the bands that have followed in their style have had the same lyricism that Nowell had, or have been able to really blend genres like they did to make something completely unique.
Such a unique talent. Knowing he died of a heart attack on stage adds a whole other dimension to “Do not go quietly unto your grave”
I agree completely. I have a 2009 that I got second hand, just passed 7 years and I’ve only had minor repairs in addition to regular maintenance.
One caveat - if you have to park on the street, invest in a cage for your catalytic converter. Mine and literally everyone else I know who has a Prius had theirs stolen. That’s the biggest expense I’ve had with mine.
Slay the Spire. It’s so challenging that it’s always engaging when I play it.
I had the original back in the day. So many of these are brutal, I always felt bad including them in sessions.