Mid 30s and still can’t grow a beard or moustache. There is no hope for me.
Mid 30s and still can’t grow a beard or moustache. There is no hope for me.
Thanks for the very thorough response! I will absolutely check this out. I would say I have a fair bit of experience in OO programming. A decent amount from JS and also a good bit from C#, which I dabbled in for a good while during my “I’m going to make a game in unity” phase haha.
I know enough C++ to get myself in trouble, but it seems every time I have to use it I get super frustrated that things aren’t as simple as they are in other languages I’m familiar with. That, and I never seem to know the exact terminology to look up my particular issue (which is half the battle anyways).
I actually needed to write a UDF in C for my mariadb instance just the other day. It ended up taking me several hours for something that would have taken me just minutes in JS or C#. It ended up being a pointer + memory allocation issue. Basically I wasn’t clearing the allocated memory and resetting the index between function calls. It also frustrates me to no end that I can’t just array.push() to add a new char to the end of a char array lol.
I also wrote a VST with Juce in C++ a few years back. I got it working eventually, but God I remember it being an absolute nightmare.
I guess really I have a hard time understanding when and why it’s even necessary to use pointers etc since that stuff has been abstracted away in the higher level languages I know. It seems like you could essentially get the same functionality by just knowing when things are passed by value vs passed by reference.
Piggybacking on this:
I’ve been wanting to learn C++ as well. I am very experienced with JavaScript, and also am very fluent with Arduino. I’ve messed around with actual C++ before but I get lost with all the pointers, header files, and memory allocation stuff.
Are there any resources y’all would recommend to someone who has all of the programming fundamentals, but wants to learn the specifics of C++?
Came here to recommend DIYPerks. Love his stuff.
VR hands down.
It’s the only workout that has ever stuck for me, because it really doesn’t even feel like a workout. Games like Beat Saber or Pistol Whip can burn as many calories per hour as playing tennis, and are genuinely super fun.
https://vrhealth.institute/portfolio/beat-saber/ https://vrhealth.institute/portfolio/pistol-whip/
I started playing regularly at the beginning of lockdown and ended up losing around 50lbs. I would play Pistol Whip until I was completely drenched and could barely stand anymore, but I still wanted to keep playing! I got a plugin for the valve index that measures your activity and your calories burned, and I can easily burn 1200 calories during a session… YMMV though.
Homemade Trompo tacos.
Also, tamales and ceviche.
The only time I’ve ever really needed recursion is when I’m doing something that needs to map out some sort of tree or heavily nested object.
One example that comes to mind is when I needed a function that acts like querySelector, but also searches through shadowroots. Since querySelector does not natively search within shadowroots, I had to write a recursive function that basically starts at the root and recursively searches each node for a shadowdom, goes inside, and runs itself again.
It’s definitely not the most performant solution, but it is sometimes necessary.
Definitely possible – check out emulatorjs. There are a few premade docker containers for it, but they were a bit finicky when I tried them. I eventually just ended up writing a react wrapper for it and have it hosted in a docker container. It works great, and will even play psx games without issue.