A cranky biologist who means well. My hobbies include long walks off short piers and anything science related.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • I have an image of a certain mentally lazy older relative being confronted with anything slightly challenging. The degree of hand wringing and play acting to avoid a few minutes thought and perhaps looking ignorant was always over the top.

    Since the world has many many people like that, there will probably end up being a handful of large ‘instances’ that seem ashamed of the fediverse’s ‘complexity’ (like Bluesky) and they will pretend to be their own thing, so as not to freak out the squares.

    I am somewhat glad Lemmy instances get ignored in this discussion. I want to be surrounded by the better, smarter and more challenging voices such as I have found here.

    Is it an information bubble? Damn right it is. Lemmy is my refuge from and group therapy for preparing to contend in vain against the daily grind of human cupidity and stupidity.

  • I finally got strong enough to tolerate stimulants about five years ago. The new capabilities are still amazing to me. In fact my life has steadily improved in almost every way.

    The big challenge has been to learn to trust my new super powers. This is me, this is who I really am!

    For me the ‘searchlight’ feeling has remained and has become the norm. I was able to go through EMDR a couple of years ago and the feeling of personal efficacy increased even more.

    The only problem is that I now see how utterly shitty our society is. But I am also strong enough to keep carving out my own alternate path.

    When the truth is found to be lies, and all of the joy within you dies, what then?

  • Here’s how I think about it lately.

    Just because society is falling apart, that doesn’t mean my social life needs to suck.

    Nothing ever ends really, not until the last hominid gasps her last breath (and even then evolution may try again with other uplift eligible species).

    Someone is going to live through this great upheaval. I predict it will be those who can build and keep good real-life networks of family, friends and general acquaintances.

    Let it all burn down. I will sit by the fire with those in whom I see the image of the beloved.