We want this game to be generous, both with your time and…
We want this game to be generous, both with your time and…
I think the point is the number of times someone is having such an issue, and those people show up to proclaim they’ve never had such problems as if it’s helpful. So, at least you can recognize it’s not.
Interesting, I’ll have to experiment with it, not sure if voyager supports regex.
huh, I wasn’t aware the keyword filters would factor in whitespace at either end, I’m used to that getting stripped out.
Players hated it, so… true?
I respect the reach.
keyword filter in an app: twitter
good luck filtering out “X”
I’m there to autoblock all of Elon’s advertising.
I’m there specifically to annoy you.
Also there are people using their real names sharing their real lives for me to give a shit about. The Maui community is strong there. People disappear from Twitter and I wonder what happened. If people disappear from here I wouldn’t notice.
That’s a new one for me, I’ll add it to the list.
Damn. Well, thanks for saving me the trouble.
Yeah… that’s the problem.
Unfortunately, that’s one that got banned for a few services. Obviously not all, good to hear it still works for some, but for others you enter a gvoice number and it tells you it’s not eligible. (At least it did, maybe something has changed and they’re working again, it’s been a while since I tried it.)
Oh good, someone had suggestions. Thank you, I’ll keep these written down for when I need an anonymous voip again. The last ones I used suddenly became disqualified for what I was using them for. Hadn’t gotten around to trying replacements.
You would still need a internet source, but yeah. The hardest part would be getting a virtual phone number that qualifies for receiving account text messages when necessary. Or using apps that inherently tie themselves to a phone number.
I’ve done an update and suddenly bluetooth doesn’t work. Or audio. Or the network is fucked. Or there’s no display on soft reboots, and you have to completely shutdown, turn off and restart to get video again.
One of the current Microsoft-induced selling points for linux is that it’s supposedly a great alternative for hardware that doesn’t support TPM, particularly for people who wouldn’t know how to disable that requirement on Win11 and above. Well, guess what? All that equipment is old. So all the arguments that it’s a hardware problem are not great for linux, since it’s linux that doesn’t play nice with it without fiddling.
For a time I was able to turn this machine into a Hackintosh that ran MacOS well with everything compatible, including the video card before they switched to metal and discontinued support for nVidia drivers. That was easier than getting linux to work and stay working properly, and it’s well documented how much of a pain Hackintoshes were to get working right.
Until a normal system update breaks something within a few days, weeks, months, whenever. And you may be able to fix it. This is a common occurrence that can happen to anyone, not that it necessarily will. It is well documented in the annals of lemmy.
Thank you! Glad I’m not the only one to mention this or agree with it. Had some twit bitching at me last night to prove it, as if I kept screenshots or something. I just fixed things and moved on.
Yeah, it’s pretty vague. I think the proper takeaway is to use them as soon as possible, and at the very least they probably won’t do harm. Hopefully.
Goalposts in transit.