So in confused. Do I need to install thunderbird or…?
So in confused. Do I need to install thunderbird or…?
Not the answer you want, but for me, I quit cold turkey after smoking a pack a day for 15 years.
The thing that helped is that I wasn’t being forced to quit for health or social reasons. I simply realized that all smoking a cigarette was doing was making me not want to smoke another cigarette for 30 minutes. I felt I had no more desire to continue the trend.
The first week sucked. I ended up rolling loose-leaf paper into the cylindrical shape of a cigarette, putting Scotch tape on one end, and poking holes into it so that dragging on it felt like dragging on a cigarette. That actually got me through week 2.
After that, the pull to smoke was far, far weaker. It’s weird. It ends up coming in waves. You’re fine, you’re fine, then you get an overwhelming urge to light up. The need lasts for about 30 seconds and goes away quickly. Over time, the frequency between those cravings gets longer, and the cravings get smaller. At some point, I just didn’t feel like smoking at all anymore.
But yeah, the first few weeks are not great.
Best of luck!
Edit: my main advice here is that if you don’t feel like you really want to quit, you’re going to have a much harder time. If your plan is to taper down, it may be torture. If you’re plan is “I’ll only show myself this one” every so often, it’s going to be a long, drawn out losing process.
1.0 ratio is the low bar, leech
You can absolutely do this. You can mount partitions anywhere off of /
I have 5 drives in a system and I mount them as /storage1 through /storage5
You can just create partitions and mount them at whatever path you like.
Hell, you can do /c/not/sure/why/you/like/this/better/clownfarts_penis
That’s how I remember it as well. It was a frustrating mess of dead sites or sites that looked like they were created in 1993 and loaded with the speed of a BBS coming through a 1200 baud modern
Ah. Interesting. For work I log in to a bunch of AWS accounts and I’m only able to do two at a time. One in a normal window and another in a private window. But I can’t open a 3rd private window. So this will be the answer, I think.
Thank you!
On android…Firefox refreshes the page any time you go to another tab or app and come back. That drives me batshit.
I tried that yesterday to show some dinner guests. 20 videos later, I gave up
I’m sorry what is the sky?
Sorry what is a computer?
eBay announced that it had agreed to acquire StumbleUpon for a whopping $75 million. The acquisition ultimately went through on May 30th, 2007. One of the major reasons why the team decided to sell to eBay was that it was promised complete autonomy and independence from its mother company
…sad trombone
I also just got fiber from AT&T. I’m pretty grateful that their gateway/router can just offload all traffic to my own router and a t as just a dumb gateway. Right now I use duckdns to just public host a subsonic server for when I’m in the car or out and about but it’s been very pain free.
I read up a little on cgnat but can you tell me what issues you face? I’m curious.
Never mind… read up on it.
I guess the alternative would be routing everything through a static ip providing vpn
Stumbleupon was great. I remember having a browser plug in for it. Then I stopped using it for a little while and never went back to it.
Does it still exist?
I just use my fingernail to make a small cut at the stem end and then it’s super easy to peel that back
Shit i just realized I’ve been doing remote for about 7 years now.
Also not going to stop. No reason to especially since my team is spread across the states.
After dieselgate and the discovery that VW was subjecting monkeys and humans to exhaust fumes in experimentation, their sales are still fine.
I honestly don’t think consumers give a shit about what negative things companies do.