I saw md5 checksum implemented in scratch.
I saw md5 checksum implemented in scratch.
I would like to hear more
Canonical make it hard not to use snaps so only those who took extra steps are not using them.
Yea, not with firefox
, at least not without switching to some third party repo.
Uses KDE and not available to general public.
If you open to do some research - you should be able to stay on Debian and use nix the package manager https://hachyderm.io/@fasterthanlime/111099224022408403
Comes with some steep learning curve, almost a learning cliff though. But once past this - it’s good.
That’s what I’m using, but it’s not a fully featured replacement.
Been using it since forever, no reasons to switch. It works. Got a bit upset at them when they killed xul/pentadactyl though.
Yea, something like that. Using it on my laptop already. configuration.nix
for system plus home-manager for user stuff. Will move the desktop soon-ish.
NixOS. I’m going to migrate to NixOS by then.
Is this a new project that was intentionally started in PHP or something legacy? Any interesting benchmarks? Like minimal wire to wire network processing time and where the bottleneck is?