I think you meant lop, not lob. At least I hope vets aren’t yeeting pet testicles.
I think you meant lop, not lob. At least I hope vets aren’t yeeting pet testicles.
I think you would be surprised how many people would not only understand but also engage in the same activity.
A lesson I learned from Double Fine.
I’ve sunk more time into it than it deserves and I think maybe 50% of the content that feels unfinished or half baked might have been gutted. It feels like there was more there at one point and it got hacked off and spackled over.
I like how as you descend into evil and madness you increasingly discard the “don’t draw attention to yourself” part and with chaotic evil the wealth generation aspect is pretty much forgotten. The progression feels right.
Not the richest fastest but probably nice and discreet: electronics repair shop using mending.
Nah you were genuinely wounded that I didn’t revere the yuuzhan vong.
Nah the mini rant tips your hand. You were not being tongue in cheek, you were being sincere.
Kind of a shitty tone to take over a crappy plot line.
The yuuzhan vong will never be canon for me.
I think your post would greatly benefit from an introductory paragraph preparing readers for what to expect. As it is the title and current first paragraph don’t convey the gist of what your post is about or why anyone should care about or read it and given it’s length most people are not going to give it the time to try and put that info together on their own.