- Local food bank
- Local humane society
- Local wildlife recovery sanctuary
- Doctors Without Borders (during AGDQ)
- Prevent Cancer (during SGDQ)
- Trans lifeline
- Signal
Are there no free adventures for it online? Surely someone has released something in the system for free?
In every place I have been to that use this, they will still take order by person. Maybe I’m just lucky, though.
My current wizard character didn’t take counterspell until the dm sent a wizard at us with it first. He had no one to blame but himself.
Diplomacy is settling disputes without violence.
Does that still get registered that way if identical links/posts are cross posted instead of duplicated?
I regularly see duplicate rather than cross post, which is a shame.
Kinda neat to create a way to experience an older expansion that many newer players missed, outside of the Classic method.
Shane it is time limited and not a permanent thing, though.
A get where you are coming from, but my perspective when I was younger was that I could spend $15 a month to play this basically limitless game or spend $50-60 per game that would be a 40-50 hour experience. So for me, the value of that subscription was huge.
I think if modern games stuck with subscriptions without other mtx, that puts the most incentive on making a good game that is worth playing for a long time. But all the sub based games also have mtx these days, and there is also the incentive to make things just a little worse by default and offer a paid item to ease that a bit, the whole “pay for convenience” thing.
Mem stomps are the worst. At least nowadays we have address sanitizer to find em. We recently had one where the same 4 byte pattern was being written randomly in different places in memory, would happen all over the place. Always the same 4 byte pattern, just different places. Eventually, it would write to a spot that was being used and cause a crash. Different callstacks almost every time, but the same memory footprint wherever the crash happened. An array size, a memory address, a string mangled, etc. Eventually we got our ASan build working after about a month of trying to track it down, digging through callstacks and core dumps. We found that it was a dangling pointer in our AI system, when an AI was removed, there was a situation where the pointer wouldn’t always be cleaned up, then later when another AI was removed, a boolean and an enum were written to the address of the dangling pointer, always the same format/value. which had haunted us for so long.
Support ranked choice voting first. Once we have that, a huge portion of the power the two parties have will fall away
One supports the killing or elimination of lgbtq+ people, the other doesn’t. That is enough reason for me, even outside of the other reasons they are not the same.
Not likely, I think. Hosting text and images is far less expensive than high quality video to compete with YouTube or others.
Why have there been so many threads about this? Are you associated with the mod or maker or something trying to keep them going or something? Just keep seeing your name associated with it.
Some astronomers are looking at JWST data and claiming they are seeing galaxies with red shifts in the range of 11-20, which if accurate, correspond to ages older than we’d expect to see galaxies of such size formed. Other astronomers disagree, and believe that the results aren’t so clear. This the “hubble tension” or “crisis in cosmology” maybe still live on.
It is exciting, either we get more data to confirm our current understanding or we need to discover be physics and form new theories that align with the data. Either way is great, imo.
We estimate the age of some stars to be older than the estimated age of the universe. JWST observations have also made it “worse”. https://youtu.be/hps-HfpL1vc?si=H9tdTD3DJYLkalvx
That last bit is the important thing. If someone tells you pronouns, use them. If someone tells you they prefer “they/them” and you keep using he or she on purpose, you are disrespecting them.
We all make mistakes sometimes and most people I’ve met who use alternative pronouns that may conflict with their socially expected appearance don’t mind correcting someone a few times or will brush it off a few times, but more than that, especially if you see and interact with this person regularly, you become an asshole.
Highly recommend it and GRIS from the same devs.