ZR hat mir hier geantwortet mit einer Mobilmichmicherstellungsanwendungsempfehlung:
ZR hat mir hier geantwortet mit einer Mobilmichmicherstellungsanwendungsempfehlung:
An individual would risk corporate lawyers lobbing suits at them they don’t have nearly enough resources to fight. In that way, it’s much like other forms of activism: individual actions are easily singled out and retaliated against.
If a ton of people were to do so, however, they might have an impact. Either the registrar would have to take steps to limit who can submit them, which might conflict with some laws, or they’d invest a great deal of resources trying to sort out the legit ones. Trying to single out people for retaliation is hard when there’s enough of them. In this way, too, it is like other forms of activism:
There is strength in numbers. There is power in unity.
If, hypothetically, someone were to coordinate such actions in the style of a crowdsources DDoS, and they could get enough participants, they might get away with it.
I feel we’re arguing about definitions here, except that you’re just asserting the equivalence instead of proposing a definition that would lead to that conclusion.
I offered my distinction. What part do you disagree with?
I’m thankful I don’t do software dev (I did two years as a working student, that was enough), but working in Data Engineering / Analytics* doesn’t make things better. I’ll overengineer the database, ETL and reporting, define a dozen measures I’ll never use, prepare a dozen ways to slice and view the data I’ll never look at and build a whole data warehouse I’ll never look at.
Eventually I remember that it exists, realise that I’ve answered all my questions by directly querying the database, except for “What am I running out of?”, which I answer by looking in the cabinet because I never update my inventory anyway.
*I don’t even know where the line is anymore and how much of my responsibilities is on either side of it
“6 for the beer, 9 for the longdrink, 4.20 for the water… That’s a total of 694.20 please.”
He uses a pencil, paper and a mechanical calculator to tally up the bill, which I absolutely understand when your career is in IT.
When the alternative is either having to search, evaluate, compare, select and configure an application for that purpose that you’re never quite happy with, or to scope, design, develop, test, deploy, maintain, eternally find things you wish you’d done better, refactor, realise you’re spending your free time on doing more of your job, regret your life choices, resolve to only make this last improvement and then call it good enough, renege on that promise to yourself a week later, burn out, curse that damn app for ruining your hobby…
…yeah, using the most trivial low-tech solution possible does look rather sensible.
My new data structure:
Given a heuristic for determining data quality, it homogenises the quality of its contents. Data you write to it has pieces exchanged with other entries depending on its quality. The lower the quality, the higher the rate of exchange.
If you put only perfect data, nothing is exchanged. Put high quality, you’ll mostly get high quality too, but probably with some errors. Put in garbage, it starts poisoning the rest of the data. Garbage in, garbage out.
“Why would you want that”, you ask? Wrong question, buddy - how about “Do you want to be left behind when this new data quality management technology takes off?” And if that doesn’t convince you, let me dig around my buzzword budget to see if I can throw some “Make Investors Drool And Swoon”-skills your way to convince you I’ll turn your crap data into gold.
I think it’s a symptom of the age-old issue of missing QA: Without solid QA you have no figures on how often your human solutions get things wrong, how often your AI does and how it stacks up.
I’m not denying his hatred or crime. A massacre born from racist hatred is a pogrom, a hate crime, an atrocity. Anakin isn’t a good guy just because he only butchered one group, and I don’t think anyone is claiming otherwise.
I’m arguing whether the massacre of one group of their race constitutes genocide in terms of scale (local outburst of violence as opposed to a planet-wide persecution) and intent (revenge out of rage and hate born from topical pain as opposed to a persistent effort to eliminate an entire race).
Not every pogrom is genocide. We don’t need to reach for the most extreme terms to describe violence born from racism. In case it needs to be emphasised, Anakin committed a hate crime, incited by grief and rage, but likely fueled by preexisting prejudice.
There really is no need to stoop to insults and condescension about it either. If you have a contribution to make about the subject matter - perhaps because you think I’ve forgotten something - just contribute instead of prefacing and closing it with vitriol.
The thing I hate about Star Wars is how stuck-up and elitist some fans get. God forbid you get something wrong - if you haven’t consumed and intricately memorised every piece of canon (and “Legends”) lore, you’re trash. And because everyone gets something wrong at some point, they all suck and everyone that likes it is an idiot (except me of course, I know everything). Damn Star Wars Fans, they ruined Star Wars!
That isn’t the environment any fandom should foster. If you love something, help others love it too! If someone gets something wrong or doesn’t know something, share what you know. If someone holds a position you disagree with, talk to them and figure out where you disagree. Be part of the reason someone says “I fucking love Star Wars”. Let’s love it together.
Naja, in einem Punkt hat Mäurer vermutlich Recht: Ich bin durchaus gewillt ihm zu glauben, dass das BAMF den Antrag gestellt hat. Aber spätestens wenn sich hundert Leute der Polizei in den Weg stellen - noch dazu nachts - sollte man doch mal drüber nachdenken, zumindest eine Duldung auszusprechen.
Kürzt ihm meinetwegen die Sozialhilfe (falls er überhaupt welche bekommt), wenn ihr unbedingt eine Geste machen müsst, und fordert die protestierenden auf, sie sollten ihn dann unterstützen. Fordert sie auf, ihm bei der Integration zu helfen und schlagt vor, er könne dann irgendwann einen Antrag stellen um permanent zu bleiben, wenn die Bedingungen dafür gegeben sind. Und falls sie das irgendwann dann doch nicht mehr wollen steht die Möglichkeit des Rücktransports immernoch offen.
Man könnte auch einfach Lippenbekenntnis “sein Aufenthalt ist nicht offiziell genehmigt” machen, aber auch erklären, dass man den kommunalen Zusammenhalt respektiert, und dann stillschweigend nichts tun (sonst sind doch die Ämter auch so gut drin, ewig lang irgendwelche Fälle zu “bearbeiten” oder “prüfen”). Soll doch jemand anderes die politische Landmine testen, wenn er unbedingt will.
Wie viel von dem Vermögen ist in Wertpapieren? Die kann man bestimmt gut zum heizen verwenden.
Machst du die eigentlich am PC oder mobil? Wenn ich Ideen hab, dann meistens unterwegs, und ich hab keine Ahnung wie ich das mobil am besten machen könnte. Bis ich daheim bin sind Idee, Lust oder Zeit verflogen.
Ich wollte nur sagen, dass ich euch alle echt knorke find. Ich war bisher auf Lases und sonst nicht so investiert in die deutsche Meme-Szene, aber hier hats mich irgendwie doch erwischt. Das ist ein Kompliment sowohl an die Pfostierer und Kommentierer als auch an das Moderations-Team das hier ja selbst echt aktiv und gut dabei ist und gute Laune macht.
Sollte ich mich schlecht fühlen, dass ich da gar nicht auf dem Laufenden bin? 😅
It would certainly be an atrocity, if that’s what you’re getting at. There is no less value to Palestinian or Native American lives than to European ones. Genocide, however, is the systematic persecution with the intent to eliminate a certain ethnic group.
The difficulty in your example arises with defining that “genus” in the modern sense of genocide, since “Parisian” is a very diverse mix of people. What makes them “Parisian”?
If their common association is, say, having their primary residence in Paris, or having been in Paris during a certain point or stretch in time, I suppose we could coin the term “urbicide”, but I don’t know if there’s a historical precedent for the systematic persecution of a specific city by whatever definition.
There is the historic phenomenon of soldiers wantonly slaughtering a chunk of the populace of a captured city, but if you wanted to actually use the administrative and productive value of that city you’d want to keep the killing in check. On the other hand, raiding other tribes or villages and killing inhabitants with the purpose of driving them away from your lands also involved the murder of civilians, but the intent was foremost to secure resources and prosperous land for your own people.
Failing any other classification, it would still be a massacre. We don’t need to slap particularly loaded labels onto everything bad to make it bad. Doing so dilutes the meaning of those terms, watering down both their political weight and their usefulness in classifying events.
Partial genocides are still genocides.
I’d assume intention makes the difference here: Anakin was lashing out in anger at the ones immediately within reach, like a one-man pogrom, but I don’t know that he commanded an attempt to exterminate their entire kind.
Given how thoroughly the Tusken Raiders are narratively linked to American Indians it’s also pretty fucking weird that you’d insist on this point. How many tribes do you get to wipe out before it’s a genocide iyo?
I honestly wasn’t aware of that narrative link, which may be an artifact of my European cultural perception.
In any case, it wouldn’t change my stance: Massacring one tribe would be a massacre. Done out of racial hatred, it would be a hate crime. The criterion for genocide would be the scale and scope: Is your violence aimed only at a specific tribe?
Attempting to push a particular group from prosperous land has been a motivator for warfare since forever. That’s not what makes a Genocide in my opinion. A genocide is a systematic attempt to eradicate an entire people, not just displace them.
That doesn’t mean massacres or wars of displacement aren’t atrocities either, just that we don’t need to slap the label “genocide” on everything, thereby devaluing its gravity when applied to things where it actually fits (like the war of extermination on the Palestinian people).
Now, if I missed something and Anakin went on to chase down the rest of the Tusken people, that would be genocide too.
Anakin murdered one village, he didn’t prosecute a war of extinction against an entire people.
Meine Damen und Herrn, weil die meistens keiner checkt
Sind bei uns ständig alle Heizungen defekt
Ansonsten stehn für Sie Klimaanlagen parat
Doch die funktionieren nur bis 32 Grad
Wir ham 'ne Theorie, doch es fehlt noch der Beweis
Im Winter wird es kalt und im Sommer wird es heiß
Erleben Sie bei uns Kälteschock und Fieberwahn
Sänk ju for träweling wis Deutsche Bahn
Wise Guys - Deutsche Bahn
Gimp kann ich leiden, hab ich aber nur daheim. Die Mobilversion die ich gefunden habe ist weder kostenlos (was auch immer das soll) noch offensichtlich besonders gut.
Da landet man glaube ich schnell in dem üblichen Dilemma: Billig, Mächtig, Mobiltauglich - wähle zwei (manchmal nicht mal das).
Ist leider schon lange ein FOSS-Problem: Die Enthusiasten, die das entwickeln, haben oft nur begrenzte Erfahrungen im UX-Design. Ich hab den Eindruck, das wird langsam besser, aber vielleicht ist das auch nur Wunschdenken…