Yeah exactly
Yeah exactly
I have a second SIM that I use for situations where I don’t want to give out my real number.
It’s a traditional PAYG SIM where I pay for a tiny bit of credit and it lasts until I use it. I need to make a billable once every few months to keep it active. So I just text myself once every couple of months. The $10 I put on it will last a few years before I need to top it up. Or I could just ‘burn’ it and get a new one.
Me too. I still use Reddit via the website. I think Reddit is also in a negative place at the moment too. It seems that most things I see these days are negatively voted, or Reddit’s algorithm has changed and it mostly shows me negatively voted content in my feed.
I disagree with your statement about not seeing this type of behaviour on Reddit and it appearing civil and intellectual comparison.
I think voting should be as what was originally set out by Reddit; I don’t know if it’s still in their guidelines. The voting system indicates the relevancy of the contribution and whether it adds to the discussion or not. Spam and off-topic contributions gets shoved to the bottom and everything else rises to the top.
Obviously most people on Reddit these days use it as a like/dislike, agree/disagree voting system as well.
Does Lemmy instance owners and community mods ban people for having a different opinion that’s so benign?
Some Reddit mods attempt to be authoritative and ban people who hold different opinions to themselves. I know I have and I stay out of subs that relate to politics, the news, and anything divisive really.
Nftables ables your NFTs 😂
By pasting content, I meant pasting images. I’ve just checked it and it doesn’t do it yet. I often will take a screenshot but only copy the image because saving it pointless.
We need a NOVA replacement with how they’ve recently restructured the company. It looks like NOVA is getting squeezed for the last few cents they’ve got to offer by whom ever bought the company 1-2 years ago.
I’ve tried every other launcher I could find. In my opinion they all seemed to be minimalistic by design or they just lacked features.
Does the futo keyboard allow you to paste content yet?
I briefly used it but found the lack of content pasting too much of a hindrabce.
I find it weird that they upload content to their own servers even when you provide them with an external link.
Or they could just compression for their PNGs. PNG is a lossless format so they’ll only lose a fraction of a second during creation.
How do you find seeders of rare content?
You could turn off the DHCP server on your router and let your server handle it. You can then tell your clients to use Pi hole via the DHCP running on your server
How strange. You would think the star rating would always show regardless of regional settings and you would think reviews are also shown but with a translate button next to each review given that’s not the same as what’s set in your regional settings - the same as on Google Maps.
The Play store link I provided doesn’t show a rating to you?
Why do you believe I haven’t found the correct one?
Edit: I’m looking at the Play store since F-Droid doesn’t have ratings or feedback. I look for apps on the Play store, find something interesting, and then look for the F-Droid version.
I don’t see the hate for storing data in a sqlite database. It’s still your data, you get to do with it as you please, and I’ve yet to see the data encrypted (let’s not give anyone any silly ideas here). You want to see your data outside of the program, just download any sqlite viewer. If you don’t mind CLI, then the tools provided by sqlite are more than good enough and are only a few MB in size.
Everyone I’ve tried from the Play store feels too basic compared to Nova or their rating is too low because of bugs.
Edit: in hindsight it looks like I’m a paid shill for Nova. This isn’t the case at all. I’ve been looking at launchers for the past few weeks as I recently realised I’ve had the same set up style for over a decade. I don’t want to be the person stuck in the past doing stuff the slower and archaic ways when there are newer and better ways of doing things. I currently have over 20 launchers installed on my phone and I’ve been slowly trying some.
It currently has a rating of 4.1. It looks like it has some bugs and some cause it to crash.
And if the developers were to give up on the project, how likely it would be for someone to fork it and continue.