Bought Borderlands enhanced version cheap and felt like shooting stuff.
There’s a bug that annoys me where selecting a mission from the journal places a custom waypoint on the map.
Made a SHi(F)T account to get them online golden keys for better weapons.
But it’s still fun. For now. Not sure whether I’ll make it till the end.
Oh right. Playing the Siren because Phasewalk lets you walk faster. Though i might have picked Soldier due to the turret shooting stuff on its own whenever I’d get tired.
Yup. And it’s tough getting them to recognize and accept that.
Apologies. Henceforth we shall install a live feed into your bathroom to make sure you focus on the mission instead of wasting time browsing memes.
Bold of you to assume they care about the welfare of their fellow citizens.
Greener grass…
Boredom and monotony go hand in hand.
Sure. Banana is the favourite fruit, and all the others are set aside.
It is caring about oneself. Exclusively.
Not really what is looked for here in most ways, but there’s Parkan.
I have little to say other than it exists.
Depends. Once you’re dead and everything stops working, coming back means dealing with decomposition and a shitton of toxins. Can the system deal with it naturally? What’s the first stuff to go during decay and can the body do without them?
Push the button.
Live, laugh, love.
Live in the moment.
Hmm… Tough one. I for one feel too socially incompetent to not mess this up in some way, but it’s ok for me with people who are used to it.
I’d say to try and celebrate her mother’s life by talking about things she liked. It’s supposed to be therapeutic, but some might consider it an invasion of privacy if not close enough.
Otherwise just giving them space and time to adapt ought to be appropriate.
Dunno how friendly you are or wanna be. No real answer because it depends on the person and the relationship. Some things work for some and backfire with others.
Having a personal safe space can help. It can also become a shackling crutch.
External support is ultimately needed though, as a root cause is loneliness in an unwelcoming world.
Legally, you can get away with anything as long as you don’t get caught.
Posting memes, playing H&H and managing your own dungeon!? Where do you find the time to do all that?
This community was just above your post in my feed. // !
It’s the first time I’m seeing it and it certainly appears unique to me at the moment.