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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • I have always thought of it as how graffiti taggers work. They are always tagging over each other’s work. The last one to paint gets the most exposure but you can still see remnants of more recent taggers the lay under the topmost. Eventually the oldest stuff just gets covered completely. They don’t necessarily pick their canvas because there is other work they try to cover up, they pick their canvas for the location and exposure.

  • If our eyes had the concept of shutter speed, then there would be shutter speed amount of delay before our brains could process the collected image (keeping the analogy of how a camera works). The penalty of a delay before the brain can process the image would be way worse than what we currently experience, which is degraded night vision.

    Perceiving and reacting to motion quickly is way more advantageous than perceiving a high quality image (for survival).

  • When Jerboa was having their version number problems, all of Lemmy was having version numbering problems

    Well, not really. This was JUST a problem for Jerboa. There were some other 3rd party apps available for Lemmy and they didn’t suffer from the same problems. In fact, it wasn’t even a technical limitation of Jerboa itself… if you had previously installed and configured Jerboa when the instance version and the jerboa version matched, and then upgraded your jerboa app when your instance didn’t upgrade their version, it magically worked. The problem was when you installed Jerboa fresh and tried connecting it to a slightly outdated instance version - or if you wrecked yourself by clearing your jerboa cache/data folder without realizing that it would behave like it was starting fresh and break. The problem was solely in over-aggressive version checking during Jerboa startup…a total rookie mistake.

    That’s about the time that half of all Lemmy users suddenly learned about the availability of some competing apps that didn’t have the same problems.

  • It may have been rock-solid in the last few months since, but back when they were having their version numbering issues, I was a very new lemmy user and didn’t understand what the problem was (not that I should have had to)- the only thing I knew at the time was that other clients that I’d just learned about somehow didn’t have the same finicky version number problems as jerboa. It kind of wrecked my entire new-lemmy-user experience - especially since (as far as I know) Jerboa is kind of the semi-official client for Lemmy - it doesn’t need to have all the bells and whistles baked into more robust 3rd party clients - it just needs to be rock solid and run reliably as its only job, and it failed.

  • On April Fools Day 2006, I woke up to what I later found out was a spontaneously collapsed lung.

    Anyone who’s experienced a collapsed lung can assure you the treatment is brutal. They basically cut open your chest between two of your ribs (on the affected side), insert a tube and sew it in place, then apply a light vacuum on that tube to suck out the air and fluid between your chest cavity and lung, causing your lung to re-inflate. You also go through a powerful round of antibiotics and are put on oxygen to make up for your 50% reduced lung function. The suction process takes about a week, and the pain is excruciating and immune to powerful pain killers.

    I would have died from this without the emergency surgery and treatment, and if it had been just 60 years earlier, a collapsed lung would have been a death sentence.