Please keep politics out of here
Please keep politics out of here
Pop_OS is a good distro and has good Nvidia support
No it’s a demand and the cat isn’t asking, pet the kitte
Not only should we not recommend Linux we should be more “elitist”. If a user wants to use Linux we should provide help but we should not convince. Linux is a fundamentally technical system due to its high skill celling. It will also never be able to do everything Windows does, I may be ok with that (and most Linux users are) but the average person may not. Also why do we need to advertise? More users doesn’t mean anything. The only thing that matters is more programmers who are willing to contribute and maintain along with corporate sponsors.
TLDR; there is nothing wrong with telling someone to not use Linux if they aren’t already
Of course it’s embracer group, they’re probably embracing for bankruptcy because they don’t have much of a future
I was thinking more Linux on general
*compiled the cake
Who cares, when you need a device for school and work having the most up to date packages isn’t the biggest priority.
No leave, gib pets :3 -the cat (probably)
If you want to use the device for school and work I highly recommend a stable distro over rolling release. When it comes to stability nothing beats Debian and Debian 12 recently released so now is a good time to install it.
I’m Asexual, the only pictures I want to see is cat pictures.
That’s what I meant, you won’t find grand architecture or fancy stations but you can get anywhere (I also live in the city)
NYC subway isn’t that bad, yeah it’s not mind blowing but it works and when you need to commute that’s all that matters
Gabe Newell has made some of the best games and Steam is the best platform for consumers, sure Epic Games is better for developers but it’s not great to actually use as a consumer.
I have to deal with queerphobic and ableist people regularly :(
Ohhh, I the title is just confusing. I thought it meant companies that support Israel. Nevermind, but companies that don’t are sadly rare.