I think it’s just really rich people, but tech CEOs are in this terminally online culture so not only does it all end up out there but they seem to feed off each other and try to bizarrely one up each other.
I think it’s just really rich people, but tech CEOs are in this terminally online culture so not only does it all end up out there but they seem to feed off each other and try to bizarrely one up each other.
Out of curiosity, what do you consider centrist with mildly right leaning views?
95% of my desire to play Civ (and there’s a lot of it) is to play super long single player games, ideally modded ones that extend it further, neither Civ V nor Civ VI were able to give a REALLY good experience for that. Civ V was too unstable and Civ VI was also a bit unstable and the AI was somehow even worse at playing in an interesting fashion in that context (ie. Trying to play through a world history with shifting borders and diplomacy)
Will it have AI worth playing with, no spyware, and stability though?
Being an asshole is occasionally a symptom of me not being consistent enough with my anxiety meds though unfortunately. But I’m generally really apologetic afterwards when I realize and it doesn’t happen often and only for a few days typically.
You are being way too hard on yourself, go in, act like nothing really happened which is mostly true, if your boss does demand an explanation of what happened all you need to say is “sorry, I had a panic attack.” If any coworker asks about it any of the following answers are acceptable “sorry, I had a panic attack” if you want to embellish whether true or not you can add “I was going through some unrelated stuff at the time and it threw me off,” and if necessary “I don’t really feel comfortable talking about it” it’s fine to embellish a little bit because it is, and I really do mean this, none of their business anyways and if they’re worth your time they will respect your boundaries anyways. If anyone gives you an opportunity to laugh it off, take it, add in any of the prior responses if you want.
EDIT: Oh, and next time someone asks you how to spell something repeat calmly after me “oh, sorry don’t ask me, I get spelling anxiety” It’s totally fine. If it’s just general social test anxiety then you can expand the line to “oh, sorry, don’t ask me, I get bad anxiety under social pressure” Modify further as needed. Again, you’re totally fine.
It’s a sale, it doesn’t need a fucking trailer.
I heard some water is made of oxygen
Current AI is incapable of providing that level of good data and high precision, it is uncertain if the types of AI being developed now are even capable of ever achieving that without fundamentally changing how they work.
Fenix makes a few that are like what you’re looking for, I have two, one has one big button on the back and one on the side, the back button is a simple on off and the side button cycles the power settings, if you hold down on the smaller side button it goes to strobe instantly. The other is basically the same but both buttons are on the back and the smaller button toggles strobe by pressing it when the flashlight is off vs cycles power settings when the flashlight is on. I only buy flashlights that are set up like this or similar. I need to be able to access strobe instantly and I need to be able to turn it on and off at a low power setting without turning on the fire of a thousand suns to get there.
This is on purpose right?
What the fuck are you talking about? Stealing from a corporation and stealing from people is absolutely not the same. Corporations are not people I can’t believe we still have to argue this point.
Also of course the law takes the merit of the victim into account. Half of all homicide victims are black but in 75% of executions for homicide the victim was white. And how many of those do you think were homeless or sex workers? Don’t be ridiculous, the law is not applied equally for victims or for defendants. Assaulting a cop, on duty or not is not treated the same as assaulting a BIPOC sex worker. Every goddamn time there’s a mass shooting or another cop kills another black person why is the first thing they do to try to find some evidence of dirt on the victims regardless of the relevance to the actual case. You are living in a dream world.
Also… What the hell are you coming at me for about this? I never even argued the ACTUAL SENTENCING was unreasonable?!? (I think it’s unjust, but not unreasonable, but I said nothing of that in my comment). I just thought it was batshit insane that you were out for blood for this person and felt they should go away for half a fucking generation for “grand shoplifting”
Lol, America has more legal slaves than it did before the civil war and has higher incarceration rate than anywhere and you want to lock someone up for a decade for non-violent property crime where the only victim is a multibillion dollar corporation that she stole less than 100k from.
https://violationtracker.goodjobsfirst.org/parent/target Here’s records of target having stolen 185 million dollars mostly from the American public, how long do you think anyone was in prison for that? Do you think any penalty there even meaningfully affected any executive or major shareholders life?
Huh, fair enough
I don’t think ConcernedApe does the console and mobile versions, I would assume he got back to Haunted Chocolatier after 1.6 dropped on PC. Pretty sure he licenses the porting process.
Need For Speed Underground 2 I would list as a solid GOAT for the genre of open world arcade racing.
Ah how the times change, the alliances shift, but the racism stays the same.
As someone who can’t medicate my ADHD, even with caffeine because they all either don’t help or interfere with my panic disorder which is much, much more debilitating, it is… Not great, but I’ve mostly found a lifestyle that works for me. I’ve found careers that I can handle. Maintaining a household alone is… Very rough under the circumstances but it is what it is.
All that said, HIGHLY recommend staying active enough that you are tired at the end of the day and having an alarm clock with a bright light on it, or a dawn simulation ideally with smart lighting, a special alarm clock, or a diy solution with a full spectrum lamp and an aquarium timer (guess which one I did during college). Maintaining a good schedule and waking up in the AM feeling at least reasonably well rested is paramount, everything else goes to hell if that isn’t maintained, and if I’m not physically active during the day, no amount of melatonin will get me to sleep within a routine.
I don’t love the difficulty of extremely fast individual identification but there is something to be said for the ease of extremely fast collective identification, it makes it very easy to see which group of apps each app belongs to, which is also valuable.
People somehow still surprised by Switzerland being neutral on Naziism