hell yeah. soon as its not way more expensive than normal meat, i’m down. your proposed technology also sounds like it should mean lab grown replacement organs with zero chance of rejection, which would be amazing.
hell yeah. soon as its not way more expensive than normal meat, i’m down. your proposed technology also sounds like it should mean lab grown replacement organs with zero chance of rejection, which would be amazing.
no. it merely being infinitely non-repeating is insufficient to say that it contains any particular finite string.
for instance, write out pi in base 2, and reinterpret as base 10.
it is infinitely non-repeating, but nowhere will you find a 2.
i’ve often heard it said that pi, in particular, does contain any finite sequence of digits, but i haven’t seen a proof of that myself, and if it did exist, it would have to depend on more than its irrationality.
my understanding is that the nominal voltage you get out of a cell is always dependent on the chemistry it’s using. alkaline battery cells are always 1.5V until they run down. even a 9V battery is actually six little 1.5 V cells in series in its little rectangular box. NiMH cells are 1.2V. Lithium batteries are actually a variety of different chemistries, but i think all of them have upwards of 3V nominal voltage, so they wouldn’t make a good drop in replacement either without some kind of voltage regulation circuitry.
what you just wrote seems quite at odds with the definition you just posted two comments up. the google definition talks about belief in differing traits and capacity and a belief in racial superiority. your definition seems to only care about unequal treatment. it seems an equivocation meant to disparage those who might seek to counteract historical (google definition) racism with a bit of modern (your definition) racism. it strikes me as disingenuous in the extreme.
slanted roof also gets the rain and snow off. there’s a reason flat rooved architectural styles are more popular in warm, dry environments
everyone who isn’t sad he died, really, is honouring his legacy. if you were sad he died, you might as well be pissing in his casket and shitting on his tombstone.
do you hold stock in straw men or something? this person claiming they want to kill anyone they dislike? i don’t think they exist, and if they do, they’re clearly not in this conversation, so idk why you keep feeling the need to address them.
that all makes sense to me. how would you want it to work?
yes? i don’t understand your apparent incredulity here.
that is generous of you. i’m on the same instance as them, and can find no discrepency between viewing your profile through lemm.ee vs on programming.dev
alas, i think they’re just attacking their percieved quality of your posting, and it is not that they’re missing all of the good stuff.
it’s not sketchy, it’s basically a captcha to keep down automated bot sign ups, and they link to that document in particular, i assume, because the devs are marxists and figure folks who are vehemently anti-communist would refuse and thus keep down their moderation load.
never, but i have enjoyed adding bacon to my quesadilla once or twice when i got an early lunch there. do they limit their normal menu in the early morning? i thought they just added a couple things.
generally, a serial killer does multiple individual murderers over an extended period. this contrasts with a mass murderer, who kills a bunch of people in a single event, or a spree killer who does multiple killings over a short time span. a serial killer may take a couple years to kill 5 people while a spree killer does it in a weekend, and a mass killer manages it in a few minutes.
i was gonna say source mage! so i guess it’s not that obscure, if two of us thought to mention it.
i’m sorry, but, sploot?
shuffling is a wildly different dance
i think you’ve hit the nail on the head regarding why robbing recent graves is unethical; that is, it’s denying valuable data to the archeologists of 3024 CE.
definitely hate DST, but mostly because of the annual death toll it entails, and the fact that it makes no fucking sense.
i just figured using pi was an easy way to acquire a known irrational number, not trying to make any special point about it.