It’s important to keep a sustained elevated heart rate. So just take your stimulants with a couple of energy drinks.
It’s important to keep a sustained elevated heart rate. So just take your stimulants with a couple of energy drinks.
This kind of highlights the difference between correlation and causation.
The root cause of ADHD is not currently fully understood but it’s unlikely that it’s a vitamin B deficiency. People with ADHD also routinely have an iron deficiency in their brains during childhood – which scientists theorize could be a contributing factor – as well as a genetic anomaly, which appears to be hereditary. It’s still not known if either of those things actually causes ADHD. Unfortunately, by the time symptoms are present, the damage is already done.
Taking vitamin B supplements won’t necessarily hurt any but I don’t know that it would help much either, outside of giving you an energy boost.
My experience was more like:
Then there’s the small group that just throws everything into Excel
Interesting. Excel is certainly capable enough but I would think data set size limitations would be a frequent issue. Maybe not as frequent as I would have thought though.
15 years in IT OPS before switching to programming. Can confirm most IT infrastructure is held together with duct tape and the occasional prayer meeting in the data center.
Alcohol. Before getting formally diagnosed and medicated, drinking was the only thing that would quiet the inner restlessness. It worked but it’s not a healthy lifestyle at all.
This is something I like to bring up to people who are hesitant to medicate their kids. Yeah, I know you think Timmy is fine because he’s not completely failing in school, but you should at least show Timmy that he has options and that it’s OK to talk to a doctor and take medication if he needs it. He doesn’t have to rely on Jack Daniels and Folgers to eek his way through life.
Lol that’s a rookie mess. You need to start way more projects that you’re “going to finish any day now” and let them all sit for about 5 years.
Most general purpose programming languages nowadays are designed to be easily human readable. But with this, I now have to understand the syntax of another “programming language” in addition to the programming language it outputs. How is this helpful in any way?
There are already plenty of template generators that can generate boiletplate code with parameters. This seems like a complete waste of time.
Definitely easier if you can plan it in advance.
What do you do if you have a horse that dies or has to be put down? You call your neighbor down the road who has an excavator and ask him to dig you a horse sized hole. Then you bury it. If you don’t, you won’t want to leave your house for at least a week.
I’ve heard it referred to as a “coal chute”. They were probably common in quite a few regions in the US. North/Midwest and North East if I had to guess. Those are areas with lots of houses that were built in the late 1800’s - early 1900’s when central heating was really becoming commonplace. Houses would have typically had a basement and the town would have needed rail access to supply the sheer volume of coal needed.
I think oil became a more common fuel source after WWII because it was cheaper and easier to handle. Lots of the same houses with those little doors also have a small hole that someone cut in the middle of the basement stairs so they could fill the oil tank that was installed under the stairs. Gravity furnaces were not very efficient but they were easy to convert to oil burning.
I grew up in a part of the northern Midwest where just about every house built before the 1940’s has a small steel door in the foundation, usually on the same side as the driveway. It was used to deliver coal which was shoveled through the door, into a bin in the basement and eventually burned to heat the house, most likely in a big “octopus” furnace or a boiler.
It always fascinated me that so many houses had this one little thing that was once an incredibly necessary feature that was eventually shut and sealed from the inside, probably never to be opened again.
It’s a hammer and It’s always on top of the ladder I’m about to move.
Before getting diagnosed I would routinely drink at least a pot (maybe two) of coffee throughout the day to stay motivated and probably three mixed drinks at the minimum after dinner to slow down the “inner restlessness.”
Not a healthy lifestyle at all.
Completely agree. It’s honestly shameful that a nation of our wealth and status is willing to accept one of the worst healthcare systems in the developed world. You need not look further than rural America to see that a big chunk of the “system” is on the verge of collapse.
I am also incensed that so many people seem to not have insurance. One thing I can say, is that I have never had a problem paying for generic or name brand, because my insurance covers it.
Guilty as charged. Currently at a career crossroads and don’t have insurance. Have to pharmacy shop a lot depending on who has the best price with a Good Rx coupon.
My Psychiatrist that I’ve been seeing for years now is retiring at the end of the year. Good ones are very hard to find and I’m not looking forward to it.
The whole process is a joke in the US as well. Since stimulants are a controlled substance, you have to have a new prescription every month AND you have to wait exactly 30 days to fill it at which point every pharmacy in town will jerk you around for a couple days until you finally find one that:
A.) Actually has your medication. Not says they have it on the phone and then “Oppsie! We lied. We don’t actually have it. We do have the name brand that’s 3 times as expensive.”
B.) Will actually fill it instead of telling you they’ll fill it only to backpedal when you go to pick it up because of some bullshit policy.
C.) Will fill it without whining at you, “cAn YoU pLeAsE sEnD yOuR OtHeR pReScRiPtIoNs hErE toO sO wErE FiLlInG mOrE tHaN jUsT yOuR StImUlAnTs??”
Apparently we somehow still have a shortage of Vyvanse (and the generic)?
Also, Fuck CVS in particular. How they manage to run a pharmacy worse than Walmart and still stay in business is beyond me.
Lol. That whole project is a grift operation on par with the Kremlin.
If you’re not spending half your day testing vacuum tubes one at a time, are you even a real engineer?
“Doctor, anywhere I take my baby, things keep exploding violently. Like in a way that seems excessive and dramatic. What do I do?”
“Oh dear. Well it seems your baby has Michael Bay Syndrome. I wouldn’t expect the explosions to stop any time soon but it’s not life threatening. Other symptoms usually include misogyny and negative reviews on Rotton Tomatoes.”