perhaps try having a child. I’ve known angry young men tun a leaf once theyve had a baby and have chilled the fuck out
perhaps try having a child. I’ve known angry young men tun a leaf once theyve had a baby and have chilled the fuck out
90s era geocities.
Spot.on. my business has adopted an agile mindset across the entire org, but it’s still waterfall, because IT have so much governance in place and outsourcing contracts that prevent teams from actually working on things in a fluid and agile way. Every member of a squad is on multiple projects, plus our systems are so broad we cannot have a resource from each source system dedicated to a squad.
Secondly, no documentation? We moved from an on-prem Oracle DB to GCP so that we would have one central place for data and across all business units… there was no documentation and we had to spend the next 4 years reverse engineering the data marts because all the IP left the business… it took 4 years because of the previous point.
And because it’s big corporate business, you have to make it work otherwise you lose your big bonus etc etc
And don’t dare question the method
Same… 35kgs for me… I’ve put about 10kg.back.on…but im less active than I used.to be to get the weight off
Five past six
I figure it’s just different responsibilities… if I didnt have kids I’d be doing more of what I want to do (like fireworks and motorcycling).I had to put that on pause for 12 years or so, and just now I’m starting to do more for me. It was a joint decision that I would be a present dad rather than career focussed. And to be honest it’s been great being able to switch off work and enjoy my personal time. Family circumstances have changed and ironically I’ve had to be even more present but with COVID changing the work force expectations,at least in my business, to be more flexible, that it all works.
I still feel 16 at heart and think I can get out of a chair really easily, but I can’t…my joints are stiffening and that really sucks.
Me, punk rock and metal. Mostly 90s punk bands and also some.newer pink bands, but typically those with the 90s skate punk …and funnily enough, one called ‘make war’.
Kids, Tay Tay, Olivia rodrigo, dua lipa, imagine dragons
Obtained my motorbike licensed recently…really enjoying learning how to get good at riding a motorcycle…I don’t get time.tonride as it is and I really need to make time to do slow manoeuvres as this is what is required to pass the next stage of licensing.
I love seeing live music, however, where I love it’s just not an option to do each week. I love listening to records… me and the kid put a record on when doing the housework…teaching them the ways!
Used to play video games every day for a few minutes…but haven’t played one in 5 months.
Love baking baguettes, couronnes, bagels, pizza
Mine would have to be Chanel 9 Neus from The Fast Show…90s UK sketch show with Paul Whitehouse. The whole segment cracks me up every time… they had one each episode. It’s done so well, and all without breaking character.heth-eth-eth-eth, meth-eth-eth, peth-eth-eth… Pi pis na… boutros boutros gali
Links to my favourites: https://youtu.be/ctaszjeaDK0?si=L459P0C_nCGiUnDy
Carlin: take your average person… half the world is dumber than that. (Or something to that effect)
do what’s right for you, it might hurt in the short term, but it will be worth it in the long term (this goes for most things…FOMO, parties, relations, job offers, school offers)
Don’t smoke. my father is dying…it’s not cool.
Eat right, exercise regularly. It takes time, your fitness won’t appear overnight (it takes months).
Brush your teeth and more importantly, floss/use picksters. Don’t eat sweet things 2 hours before bed.
Everyone’s different (so take what I say with a pinch of salt, the above might not be for you)
Coffee ,water, piece of fruit, a nut bar or loose nuts/berries mix. Meat and two veg in some sort of combo for dins
I have 2 kitties and this happened all the time. I had to introduce a third litter box for it to stop happening. And as others have said, clean them out every day. #poofreefloor
Oh, op has a mental health problem? How do you know? Wouldn’t wanna judge or nothing