That math does not check out. There are only 8.1 billion humans alive. How can there be trillions of companies?
It’s over Anakin, I have the high ground
This is amazing. I never knew that Egyptian hieroglyphs had names for kingdoms in the Indian subcontinent.
Accessible for everyone.
If the desktop UX has very good screen readers, keyboard navigation, voice to text etc., I believe its benefits would automatically spill over to all.
Also it would retain the UI / UX experts who become forced to abandon Linux for macOS which maintains a niche in this.
It is not, Fairphone already does this.
Good point, and Łukasz Langa mentioned this in his talk (check it out). He names it the robustness principle, in his words (around 22:20
“Vague in what you accept, concrete in what you return”
But he also mentions some gotchas like how Iterable[str]
can backfire, because str
is also an Iterable[str]
and it might be better to use list[str]
I started with kickstart.nvim. It was good to understand Lua and how neovim works. Now following LazyVim for Ambitious Developers because distros good, less breakage.