Another settlement needs your help!
Another settlement needs your help!
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band. 3+ hours of pure enjoyment
Stop with remasters ffs…
Don’t tell him about the NBA
They don’t consider it littering. That the cigarette butt will somehow just magically degrade like a fallen leaf. It truly is remarkable how selfish smokers can be.
We took the brunt of everything the Boomers could throw at us. You’re welcome. Its your turn now, we’re tired.
She’s 22
Tit loans sounds pretty good. I just need to borrow them for a little bit.
I left Twitter and Reddit and I found Lemmy and Mastadon. Lemmy is going much better than Mastadon.
Bank of America: We made less than $6 billion this QUARTER, time for layoffs.
This is not a joke. They did this for years.
You ever get rid of a couch by having that garbage truck with the grinder on the back chew up that couch in about 3 seconds and leave nothing but a tiny bit of sawdust on the pavement? I want that.
Forks are on the left for a reason.
He can see the bottom of his bowl and that’s your fault.
Pueblo, CO from tv commercials or maybe Walla Walla, WA from Bugs Bunny.
Anything Splinter Cell without Michael Ironside’s voice would be weird.
Ramis originally said it was around 10 years of repeated days but later changed to 30-40 years.
Youngkin can’t run for reelection next year.
Not always bedtime but the stopwatch to start 60 Minutes was a weekly reminder that the party is over and school is imminent.
That reminds me, I need to install GrapheneOS