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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 3rd, 2020

  • Actually, I have never used piped and invidious to watch the videos themselves. I use them just as subscription feeds and in case I need to search for some video, then I toggle a script I have, I copy the links to the videos I want to watch and I untoggle the script. Then the links I copied start playing on mpv. I don’t like to overload piped and invidious services, which I would say is the main reason for them to be shut down, when I can watch/download the video through mpv-ytdlp on my own. Although, I don’t know if that answers your question.

  • I use budspencer theme on fish. https://github.com/oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish/blob/master/docs/Themes.md#budspencer-theme It looks cool and yellow, which I like. I prints the path on the far right and parent folders are printed only with initial letter, so it doesn’t take 2 lines in the shell and it ends up pretty short. It also has git integration and some budspencer exclusive commands to perform some cools actions, I don’t care about and I have never used. Also, I like that command errors are displayed as ✔ or ✘ on the next prompt. It also prints the time the last command has been running. I use vi keybidings, so prompt color changes when I change the mode feel cool. I would also like to have the execution time for every command, but I have another theme for that I don’t remember the name of on my work machine.

  • I have lately experienced a problem with my family. We have good computers, kind of bad computers and really bad and old computers. I can install a really cool distro on good computers, but not on the bad ones. I need a lighter DE on bad computers and a distro ready for old computers. But my family can’t afford to learn how to use the 3 of them. So what is the solution here?

    I’m thinking about installing the same distribution on all of them so that they don’t have to get used to a new one every time they jump from one to another computer. I think that will be antiX.