I wouldn’t really use that comparison. The discord update resembles the old one. But old reddit and new reddit are damn near unrecognizable to one another.
I wouldn’t really use that comparison. The discord update resembles the old one. But old reddit and new reddit are damn near unrecognizable to one another.
This right here. If you block ads you’re literally worth less than nothing to them and they couldn’t care less where you go. You’re just a bandwidth leech. I use uBlock, but have some self awareness.
I thought the man was joking then I saw his smooth brained response below. Software patents are cancer and shouldn’t exist.
Time to get the guillotines.
Pixel 7, Firefox. 🔥🦊
I have to agree. I always preferred an A class voice actor for a character that isn’t of celebrity likeness. Honestly hope this doesn’t become the norm.
Edit: I’d also like to add that Idris Elba is a phenomenal actor and I’m excited to play the expansion.
Good riddance. He’s a man you could always tell doesn’t play games.
PSA: Anyone having issues installing, restart steam and or change download regions. Took me two of each to get it going.
100%. Can’t wait to build my house in the woods and only maintain around it enough to prevent damage. Lawns are stupid.
I mean flaccid dicks are small. And for fucks sake I’m glad they are. Could you imagine having to walk and maneuver yourself with a permanently massive shlong?
nice 'n tiny limp dicks too
B r u h, what a petulant fucking child. Game developers tried the same shit for years and those still got cracked. This guy can go fuck himself.
I’ve long called it hotdog logs. I hates it.
I’m getting real sick of this lawsuit crap regarding AI. Precedent case law already says you can’t copyright work produced by AI. So what exactly did it fucking steal, and how does it negatively impact them?? Imo, it doesn’t.
To be fair, that GPU is long past EoL. Even the 7xx series doesn’t receive support/driver updates anymore.
EDIT: It was late, totally misread it as GTX not RX.
Bro who tf is stealing Payday let alone to play alone. What a waste of money and a fuck you to paying customers.
Same, I’ve switched to it for the time being. All these apps suck in their own way for the time being. It’s so exciting waking up to fresh updates every other day though. I’ve got them all installed and rotate between them.
I encrypt my desktop and laptop but not my servers. On desktop, that excludes drives that aren’t my OS/boot drive.