In addition to this I like YAGNI: you ain’t gonna need it
Don’t implement features you don’t need because you think it might/could/should be useful in the future. YAGNI
In addition to this I like YAGNI: you ain’t gonna need it
Don’t implement features you don’t need because you think it might/could/should be useful in the future. YAGNI
They’ll call it a “fair use policy” and the exact limits are secret
Java js
That’s an unfortunate typo
That’s not true. Apple does not have a master key for iPhones. IIRC the FBI wanted Apple to help by providing custom firmware that allowed them to do unlimited attempts on the passcode.
It an answer a C-level exec would give when they don’t want to actually answer.
communism is when someone does something I don’t like >:((((((
I was baffled at the amount of cockiness
I was easily the most senior person I’m rather exceptional at what I do
Your “neural configuration” is the reason you weren’t promoted?
I think you fit right in.
find “$(echo $HOME > variable_holder.txt && cat variable_holder.txt)/$(cat alphabet.txt | grep “d”) $(cat alphabet.txt | grep “o”)$(cat alphabet.txt | grep “c”)$(cat alphabet.txt | grep “s”)”
This is the easiest method
This was exactly the problem in my last environment. I was the second dev and two more were onboarded after me, but everyone had issues replicating the original dev’s local environment in order to deploy.
First thing I did was set up a basic gitops pipeline. Worked like a charm.