Ceasar’s rome was fascist in name and ideology.
The lie made into the rule of the world
Ceasar’s rome was fascist in name and ideology.
The term fascism is way older, goes back to at least ancient rome.
The idea being that the group stand above the individual: fasces being a bundle of stick. It motivates sacrifice of self and others for a group by stating the individual stick is weak, but the bundle is strong.
Order smaller hands?
Is there an exit tax when you leave the US? France for example has that, and the new Belgian government wants to introduce it as well.
There are languages other than English here
Depends. If the victim dies, I would consider that murder instead of attempted murder.
Make sure everything starts automatically after a reboot, and reboot daily.
It’s an even number so you’re fine 👍
The same way king arthur is based on chess
It’s racist to assume race is the only possible reason. There’s also homophobia, transphobia, etc
Exactly, there’s also homophobia, transphobia, …
This is incorrect!
It’s one real life application that blockchain solves, just like you asked.
An inflation free currency
Self driving cars, social media, 3D printing.
It does seem to get louder and more agressive each cycle, yes. But then again, all media is.
I think you rediscovered (1). Yes, most of those startups will disappear, pivot to the next hype, …
https://github.com/anderspitman/awesome-tunneling or a VPN like tailscale
I have the same observation. My guess: people aren’t made for hapiness, but for the pursuit of hapiness. Quality of life has not been improving for most in EU, au contraire.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fasces section Rome > Imperial Period